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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

That's Us Told...

Our neighbours are erecting the new fence tomorrow. "She" has spoken "We're spending a lot of money on this fence and I want to be able to paint it every year!" So she wants "small" shrubs on our side so she can access the fence every year.

What can you do?

Other gardens around here have quite high bushes and shrubs against or growing on the fences, looks as though we're going to have obey someone else's rules.

So we have lost two that were well grown and offered us both protection against high winds and privacy.(Since writing this I know another has been pulled out)

When their first attempt at fence was erected all bushes and shrubs were removed so this would possibly the second time we have lost our greenery.

I'm getting to the point where I'm not sure I can be bothered to put up a fight.


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