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Monday, July 18, 2011

I Have To Have One More Rant...

I'm not not happy!

I finally got myself into my garden to inspect the fence...its not good.




Perhaps 90% I can put up with and when its painted and shrubs bulbs and flowers are planted, maybe some containers with flowers in them it won't be so bad. See the images below.

Until you come to the part of the fence nearest our house and our down pipe.

He's built it so there is a gap at the bottom and has left some of the old brick wall in place. The gap is filled from their side with lots of little pebbles that keep falling off the brick wall into our border and onto the concrete path alongside our house, they also fall into the drain as the grill is flush against the wall.

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The wall and pebbles should be removed. But then there will be such a gap!

I think I know what has happened and why its been built as it has.

He's tried to keep the planks high for privacy in the conservatory(as if I want to watch what they do or would stare into it)and in doing so he's had to fasten them to the frame quite high, hence the gap and why he's left the wall there.

What he should've done is put up longer planks in that area so he could have the privacy but the extra length would mean they would reach to the ground and there would be no gaps.

I cannot see them changing that now so we'll have to try and get some wood and slide it behind the pipe but in front of the wall so it will block the gap and stop the pebbles from falling into our drain and border, its not the ideal solution but it will be better than what we have now. And once a shrub is growing in front of it maybe our repair it will be hidden.

Should you look at the images remember you can enlarge them by clicking on the image. It looks worse when you study the pictures than looking at with your eyes.

Now the ultimate straw that broke the camel's back, I tried to gently straighten one of the shrubs and support it with a little cane and a big piece of it snapped off.

So hopefully what remains may start to sprout new foliage so I'll keep it in the ground and I'll buy some special compound tomorrow to seal off the damaged branch to stop anything getting in and killing off the remaining shrub altogether and keep my fingers crossed that it recovers.

Our gardener is too ill to do work at present but has said he will have a look soon and if required he will take it up with our neighbours(he does building jobs too)and has built a similar fence around his own property. As he put it "Leave it with me, I'll sort it out!"

I don't want ill feeling but I suspect if I contact our landlord as it affects their property they would take this up on our behalf and if they did we could avoid being seen as the one's complaining. And they would have more of a legal standing to force the situation.

But we'll see what happens...


Blogger Span Ows said...

Gild, that looks awful! Were they drunk when they did it or were the upright slats from a different fence? The post and main rails looked OK but now the whole thing appears cheap and "odd".

20 July 2011 at 21:24  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It makes me feel better to know I am not being unreasonable in my criticism but will it improve matters?

Did I say that his profession is a builder.

I saw the slats being delivered, everything came from the same place and arrived at the same time.

20 July 2011 at 22:19  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Happily our gardener returned a few days ago. Our front garden is tidy again and next week hopefully the back garden will be the same.

He's looked at the fence...he's not impressed but as it is right up to where their property ends, I guess it stays as it is...

We'll push soil up to the fence(maybe order some top soil too)

Our gardener is going to add some bricks to the little bit of the wall that remains and the gap will be no more and it will stop further pebbles falling onto our side into our border and drain.

Its the best that we can do.

And then we'll do all that I mentioned earlier and forget about it.

6 August 2011 at 02:09  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

You can tell what kind of neighbours we have by a simple gesture that has just happened.

There was an empty drinks can on the grass verge outside their home. Returning in his truck, he walked down to the verge(I would've picked it up and thrown it in the bin...)

He kicked it onto our part of the verge.

So I guess I'll be the one picking it up and putting it in our bin...

Later when a really heavy rain storm with thunder and lightening passes by. Its really rattling the windows and rolling around the sky...Been going on for at least 3 hours...

6 August 2011 at 15:31  

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