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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can't See The Wood For The Trees...Not For Much Longer!

Sorry I haven't been around.

It now looks as though I am losing every tree in my back garden and they will all be removed!

Where do I start?

In a previous post I mentioned that we to take part in a tree survey by the landlord.

Through no fault of our own it seemed to take forever for them to catch us in even though we kept phoning to arrange a time when someone would be in.

Eventually, they came and surveyed our garden. We were told that everything was in order and all the survey was for was to get information as to where and what is in everyone's garden. Obviously, I suspect in some cases if a tree was too close to property or needed pruning arrangements would be made to do so.

Hearing nothing further I thought all was well.

Until today...

I missed who called but a card was put through our door. It said...

"Urgent Regarding Trees overgrown in back garden. Please make arrangements to have them cut down. I will call back next week."

I thought OK...I can accept them being tidied up but when I called to get a definition as to what "Cut Down" meant it became more of a problem.

I called the office and did lose my temper when I phoned for more details which is unusual for me but I didn't like what I was hearing.

I was told that there had been complaints. I knew that they wouldn't tell me by who but I did press for some additional information and because I talk to my neighbours and if there are any problems(which there are rarely is)I expect or would hope they'd come through me rather than going to the local authority/housing association.

I said that I was going to talk to my neighbours to try and find out who had complained and why they had not come directly to me. I got one little bit of information,its not our newest neighbour(who recently built the fence)

One slight bit of good news...they are going to repair and build up the bit of the fence where that brick wall is and it will stop the pebbles coming through...but I digress.

I pressed for information which trees had to be cut back and was told the ones at the back of the garden(furthest away from the property)I'd have thought if any were to be affected it would be those nearest the house but no...

Well, I talked again to the neighbour where these trees are and he still says he has not complained but by certain answers given I am virtually certain it is him(but cannot prove it)

The new neighbours said they have not complained(which I know because I was told that they haven't)They say that they like our trees and are sorry if they have to come out or be cut back. The only other person I can ask is away on holiday.

I said "Please don't say it neighbours if it isn't! If its you who want them cut back admit its you because as far as I know my immediate neighbours have not coplained and they have said that they have no problems."

She again said there have been complaints.

This is where it get worse, the representative of our landlord started quoting our tennacy agreement and that calmed me down(because I don't want to risk being put out of our home which we have been in for over 50 years)we have never been in any trouble with neighbours or any landlord, previous or who is in charge now.

We have now been told that no tree is supposed to be higher than 8"(2.4384)feet tall. Tell that to everyone else around here who have trees much taller than that but the difference is they are private houses so they can do as they wish.

I'd like to bet there are many other properties owned by our Landlord that have trees as tall or taller than ours but we've been chosen as the unlucky one's to have this action taken.

Who has a tree that is only 8"feet(2.4384 metres)tall.

If we cut all our trees back all that will be left are trunks. There will be no folliage and at a time when we are being told to make our gardens friendly to wildlife and not cover them in flagstones and concrete, we will be taking away all the vegetation they need.

I have blackbirds and collared doves living in mine...not for much longer.

It looks as I'll have to plant lots and lots of shrubs instead and hope I pick the kind birds may like to feed from and nest in but by the time they grow I suspect I'll not see the benefit because I'll be that old or Mum and myself will be dead or have moved somewhere else.

It also looks as though we have to find the money to have the trees felled(Taken down)and all the debris taken away too so I am dreading what that's going to cost.

We were much better looked after and had less problems when we were under Council care but when you are afraid of losing your home if you stand your ground, there is little that you can do.


Blogger Span Ows said...

8 feet is a baby tree or a shrub/bush. Not even naturally small trees are only 8 feet tall. Everyone knows that so they are just being stupid.

Have you asked the nature of the complaints? Rots breaking paths/ blocking sunlight? This would give you some idea of who but also why

21 August 2011 at 21:17  

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