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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Maybe It's Just Me...




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Am I being too critical. The fence is being erected with the stakes in cement in the ground.

As I see it tonight...what a mess!

Yes, they have secured posts into the ground and it will probably stand any weather thrown at it but just as when a wall was built to surround the front garden, they always put more of the foundation on our side, so we lose soil(and depth for planting flowers. It means if you were to dig to put something in the border, you could hit cement so you are always going to have to put your plants next to/in front of or in the spaces between. Also the drainage is different.

In reality I'm not sure our Housing Association would be too happy. Or the previous Council with this. If any future tenants move in if/when I go from here it could affect how they do their garden as they wish.

I never saw the soil from my border moved to be replaced when its I look out tonight I seem to have no soil.

It even looks as though I have lost some of the lawn nearest the house. Its not clearly defined.

Then again maybe I'm being too critical. When it is finished I'll feel different.


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