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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Those Petty Little Crimes...

That probably go unreported...

Thankfully I live in an area where I rarely hear of or see any crime(Lucky aren't I?)
So when suddenly little things start to happen you realise that even here things are not quite the same as they were.

You've seen the broken window...

Well, there is still a person who delivers soft drinks to the door and because I don't always know when he'll deliver I leave a note on the door with my order and the money and the empty bottles in the porch.

For years no problem...

We're not on the roadside and to reach our door you have to walk up a small drive and the front of the house is hidden behind a hedge and garden. The most frequent vistors would be a postman(I can say that because we only have postmen)someone else delivers a freesheet(neither touch the note or money)otherwise every three months someone reads the gas or electric meter.

So today I put the note on the door as usual...minutes later something came through the letterbox I looked to see what had been delivered by the mailman...I saw one of those plastic bags that charities put through asking for clothes for collection but noticed that my note had been pulled off the door.

I had only put it out maybe five minutes sooner...I rushed out and found no-one in I am fairly certain the same person delivering the charity bags took the money. And in his/her haste they even dropped an extra bag in the porch.

I was so quick out of the door I suspect they were unable to deliver any more bags in this street as we are located around the middle of the street and they couldn't have delivered to all the other houses that quickly.

But that doesn't prove that I am correct.

I am down by £2.40(not much)but I now have to wonder if they'll return and do it another week and of course I still had to pay for todays delivery so it has cost me double.

Despicable that someone doing charity work would steal money...but not worth trying to complain or report the incident as I did not see it happen and it could cause more bother than its worth.

The moral is that in future I'll try and guess when the the pop man will deliver and put the note on the door a little later in the morning when I think its less likely someone is snooping around.


Blogger Span Ows said...

I hope it wasn't the person delivering the bags - you have to imagine it wasn't because they would know that a van will come soon to collect the bags of old clothes/whatever that had been left out and you could tell/ask them; it would be reasonable to assume that the charity would know who was involved in delivering in which streets etc. ...doing a Poirot: it could have been a child/thug following the charity person for a laugh and from a hidden position throwing a bag they'd got from another step (even via their own door?) at the charity deliverer, missed but it went unnoticed, they went to collect the ammo that missed and found your money. It's obvious, have all the neibours' children arrested :-)

26 June 2011 at 16:17  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hope that you are right Span...I'll never know but the second note and money wasn't touched(again by no mailman or freesheet deliverer)

Our area is quiet, rarely do we see any children/teenagers walking our street and there's only one child old enough to be out on his own that lives around here)

I looked at the latest crime statistics for my street(April)and only one reported crime of vehicle damage.

But I admit that's a reported crime. And in a few months our broken window will be included in those figures.

The bags were delivered Saturday morning...collection of any bags with clothes happens on Monday(I think)

Since and before Saturday morning it has been really quiet here and Mum sits at the bedroom window for hours so whoever did it was lucky.

26 June 2011 at 18:50  

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