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Friday, July 08, 2011

Another Job Completed...

They arrived whilst I was out and within an hour they had scaffolding outside my house. That was yesterday.

Today(24 hours later)the broken window was installed within 10 minutes if that.

Now, all we await is the removal of the scaffolding which hopefully will be early next week(They don't work weekends)

I was surprised in that I thought that one pane of glass would be replaced but its a sealed unit so both had to be removed.

So that's two out of three tasks sorted...

The ventilation of the gas heating system, the broken its the tree survey(which has been dragging on for months...)

So far its been better than I hoped and the work has been satisfactory.

Hopefully we can be left alone again.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Good, perhpas ask the scaffolding guys that you will allow then to store it in the garden for a few weeks...along the fence where the dog is! (then undercover of night dig a pit and put spikes in nteh bottom)

11 July 2011 at 00:44  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

That would've worked ;-)

Maybe its the weather or the neighbour bothering more but since the last post, nothing has been in our garden...

and the scaffolding was removed early this afternoon...

11 July 2011 at 18:01  

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