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Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Made Some Cupcakes...

And I can report they are the first cakes I have ever made and they were a success...Vanilla with soft butter icing sugar on top.

Yesterday, I made Lemon Drizzle Muffins...the best part was the Lemon Drizzle icing...the muffin was overbaked and a bit chewy but with a mouthful of coffee or tea acceptable. I am the only one eating them, Mum is not so keen.

I must learn how to cook certain items and not necessarily go by the recipe. It said cook for 30-35 minutes...I suspect I could've knocked that down to 20-25 minutes and I need to adapt to the oven I am using. Fan assisted ovens tend to cook more quickly.


Blogger Span Ows said...

...but fan assited also don't cook in the same way. Careful with what you cook. I know quick things (say a frozen pizza) they would burn the outside before the middle is cooked.

18 February 2011 at 22:09  

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