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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Nothing much is happening and I haven't got around to trying to bake anything so I thought I'd link to a few recipes in case you'd like to try baking some bread yourself...

I could put the recipes here but it seems easier to give credit where it's due and direct you direct to the source...

The three recipes here are really easy...

One is actually from WWII The Doris Grant Loaf I really should look up the history about this loaf. If you google this there are many recipes you can try as an alternative.

The Lazy Loaf(the one I mentioned in the previous post)

And finally one that is a little more complicated A Crusty Loaf.

Most loaves follow a basic recipe and once you have baked one you can more or less bake any of them probably without sticking rigidly to the instructions. That rule applies to cooking in general.


Blogger Span Ows said...

The Doris Grant loaf sounds almost like a simple cake...which I guess it is really, try it with some fruit if you want to experiment!

20 January 2011 at 09:23  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Hi Gildy, linked to your bread posts last weekend re marmalade. ope all is well.

Let's fight re the Coalition, you know you want to ;-)

17 February 2011 at 00:02  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hello again...

I may not have posted here and on your blog recently but I have been reading...

Oh there are things that I'd like to say about the present political situation but as open as I am "You never know whose reading!" :-)

Its also been quiet for a few weeks...perhaps the best news is that they are not selling off the forrests and they've done a U-Turn very quickly even before the consultation exercise has happened(Its only two weeks into it)

But now we're back to what they are planning for the Welfare State(Those in work, out of work and those who are long term sick and vulnerable)

The strapline is everyone will be better off but the charity that advises people who have financial problems the CAB(and they are being closed down in many areas due to cuts themselves)they say in reality many will be very worse off. I know who I believe.

17 February 2011 at 17:28  
Blogger Span Ows said...

I know, the CAB thing I just can't understand, although I haven't read all the details of what's happening yet.

18 February 2011 at 22:07  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Glad you pop seems lonely sometimes!

18 February 2011 at 22:13  

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