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Friday, December 06, 2013

No Joy...

On the plates. All quite expensive but I have held off for a while longer. The concert at lunchtime could have been better I'm afraid.

I did a little shop and I have to say even for a Friday afternoon the shops were dead. I just did the  cheap/pound shops. I found some biscuits and a timer for me to use switch on/off the slow cooker rather than me doing working out the times.

I don't remember feeling this way in ages but the ride home on the bus seemed to take forever and I could not wait to get off the vehicle. It really does go all around the houses and does not take the most direct route.

I found some prepared veg meant for a homemade soup back in my own town but its ideal in a slow cooker...

Now I'm just taking it easy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put your feet up and relax, Gildy. Nothing like getting cosy at home. :)

I'll be making some chilli (with Quorn mince) in my slow cooker tomorrow. :)

It's cold down here but going out into my garden today I discovered that I have daffodil shoots coming up in the containers where I planted them in September!


6 December 2013 at 19:34  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thanks N :-)
I sometimes need someone to say "Take it easy" and give me permission to do so. In reality I probably do take life in a quite laid back way...

That reduced veg I found is the excuse I need to make more "Comfort food" No prepping, already cut uo and a fair amount in the bag(perhaps I should have bought two)but then if you do that,is it the bargain it first seems?

You mentioned Chilli, I wonder if I could get away with that? If it was mild, perhaps. I still have to have a go at a curry. I have tried Quorn before and found it to be acceptable too.

I had two bowls of my sausage casserole...that sounds a lot but when its mainly vegetable it is not high in calories and easier to digest. It also kept me warm, so it is true that a hot meal fuels the body.

The rest did change how I felt quite quickly. I am quick to sense atmospheres and the town I was in yesterday was so deserted.

The few people that were around looked so down.

Strange weather but a lovely story about the daffodils. Are they in a pocket of the garden where they are protected and its warmer?

7 December 2013 at 07:50  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are in containers against the wall of my house so in a sheltered sunny spot. Should make a nice show when they are flowering, which is usually around my birthday in March. :)

I also planted lots of tulips, although those haven't shown yet, and some interesting ones called "Greenland tulips" which are GREEN, edged with pink. :) And some "Russian snowdrops" which are white and striped with blue! I'm looking forwards to seeing those. :)


7 December 2013 at 13:00  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Russian those I would like to see.

March seems ages away but time passes by so quickly these days...


7 December 2013 at 22:08  

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