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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Catherine Craig And James Willoughby...

What a wonderful concert last evening, so inexpensive but worthy of a larger venue. I was sorry to see so few attending, I hope that the venue doesn't fold. For those who missed it, it is their loss.

Copperhead Still opened u[ the gig(local band)we are fortunate that one of the group often appears at the free club in my town on Tuesdays, he was missing this week, now I know why.  Then American vocalist Catherine Craig(think Nanci Griffiths, Emmylou Harris)and guitarist Martin Willoughby(who has played with the Strawbs, Joe Brown, Mary Hopkins, Roger Whittaker amongst many others over the years)and worked with the record producer Tony Visconti.

She also came and talked to all us and shook our hands...their own music was great and insightful but her version of Dixieland(song associated with the US Civil War)and Amazing Grace moved so many of us. She also gave a story before each song.

If funds had allowed I would have purchased the CD that was for sale. I may still try from the website. I was going to ask if I could take a photo but did not get around to doing so. I will try and trace some material and videos to post.


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