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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Think That I Have Come To The Conclusion...

in general though there are many foods I have never tried, we probably all stick to a few items that and.I am not much of a fan of pasta in all its various guises. But I can and have eaten it. The other item I am not really keen on is pizza.

Otherwise, I am quite open to everything else. Obviously there are some foods I have never considered and perhaps I would be surprised. Off the top of my head squid, oysters, scallops, whelks, cockles, muscles, snails and offal(in general)comes to mind. It could be that if I tried them and they were prepared and I was not told I might think them to be delicious.

I will eat most fish, meats, vegetables and fruits and will eat them raw, cooked, roasted so don't see myself as a fussy eater.

I think what we eat may often be governed by what we ate as children and on cultural/religious grounds depending on where in the world you live and what is available, also if income is low you may not have any choice in the matter.


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