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Sunday, March 03, 2013

I Missed This...

but it was a piece of radio that has caused a reaction with listeners and is already being talked about via Twitter.

It would seem that the presenter Paddy O'Connell was so touched that he found he was unable to speak. Being sensitive(I'm not always cynical)which hopefully I don't come across that way in my blog, I suspect that I will be affected too. I would have been without losing those dear to me. I'd say that I get disappointed by a lot of what I witness rather than being cynical. Have you heard there was a news story in the last day or so saying that if you have a pessimistic outlook on life, there is eveidence such people live longer.

I was tempted to shout at the radio, "No you don't, it just feels as though you have!"

This radio moment has come about because of a published love letter to a partner. I missed it because though the radio was tuned in to the programme, I had drifted into sleep. I have heard that audio clip and it is very moving especially the reaction of the presenter who obviously has difficulty speaking and is emotional.

Here is the love letter from Emilie Blanchéré to Remi Ochlik

I am sure it will be something many of us can identify with and coincidence of course that it should quote from what is probably my favourite Hollywood musical and that the simplicity of the film's title song, its simplicity says it all.

Here is the actual piece of radio as heard on Broadcasting House BBC Radio 4 3rd March 2013


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