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Perhaps you'll learn more about me as you read my blog. For anyone who translates my blog using the translator facility, don't forget if you wish to read the comments in your own language to click on the title of the post down the left hand side otherwise they will remain in english. Also I assume that the translation is accurate but I don't know, so please allow for errors.

Monday, March 04, 2013

Another Lost Day...

I blame the head cold. If/when I am asleep I don't cough and wheeze...I get peace and so do the neighbours. I think at last I have turned the corner. I can breathe through my nose some of the time at last.

I did not plan to stay in bed and snooze, it just happened.

Well, tomorrow I have things to do...I have to try and sort out problems over benefits...again. I have an appointment with a drop in centre that is held on the town.

I may be entitled to a bus pass too so will be taking a passport photo tomorrow and sending the form in...

I doubt it will have any effect but in approx 12 days there will be at least 36 protests against the new bedroom tax across the UK and for the first time in my life, I shall be attending one of them. I had the choice of two but as I will be in one of the destinations for other reasons later on the same day and I want to be sure the bus service is not disrupted I will catch an earlier one and attend the protest and continue to do my other reason for being there.


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