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Sunday, December 30, 2012

I'm On Twitter...

But I read more than tweet. Well, when not much is going on and what I comment on needs more than a few characters it is not suited to me and as I post from the PC I am in the same surroundings. If I used a mobile phone every tweet would cost at least 12p. Now how quickly would that add up? Seven would be the same as 24/7 access to the whole internet.

It has allowed me to contact some of my favourite radio, tv and theatre personalities direct though who often kindly reply so that I do like about Twitter.


Blogger Span Ows said...

I've been on Twitter for a couple of years now...and sent one tweet! Don't see the need.

31 December 2012 at 19:41  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm on too, Gildy. I started my account to help my niece promote her book. I've really only used it for that and even so, I've not used it in months.

It is good to get in contact with BBC Radio. So is Facebook. I'm on that more frequently as I have a lot of younger family members who use it a lot.

There are a few from the old board on there, too. I think Rhys and Superman both have accounts.


31 December 2012 at 20:44  

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