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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Many Years Ago...

they launched Voyager 1 into space...1977 I think. It's still Marcus Chown tweeted the following image. The little dot that is circled...that is the planet we are all sharing.
                                                  This image was taken recently.
The image that I remember most is below taken by Apollo 8 in 1968
I also remember the crew of Apollo 8(Jim Lovell, William Anders and Martin Borman)quoting verses from the Bible and Borman ended by adding "And from the crew of Apollo 8, we close with good night, good luck, a Merry Christmas, and God bless all of you - all of you on the good Earth."


Blogger Span Ows said...

The good Earth...but we'll manage to ruin it. Back then you can understand their quotes, probably not knowing if they'd get back safely!

31 December 2012 at 19:42  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm sure that we will David, often it is the few that do the most harm to the planet, a bit wishy washy but I worry more about mans attitude to their fellow man.

Because we know the Earth will come to an end whatever we do.

These were special people and when you think how basic everything was.

And on a deeper note a lot of this came about due to Von Braun working for and with the American Government and yet there are questionable things in his earlier involvement in WWII and Hitller, the SS and Nazi's.

But then again there was a war going on and things always look different at the time and in hindsight.

Just as some who are prosecuted or tried on war crimes can be treated differently. It is not always black and white or straight forward.

I always think of that idea where scientists say "If you could time travel and change history" because of what you know, would you/should you? In doing so perhaps something much worse could happen...of course the opposite could be true.

If you could who would have the right to do so? And how often would you keep tinkering with things?

I'm sure there are many things we would like to change on a personal level but they'd all have consequences...I mean it could result in ourselves not existing.

31 December 2012 at 22:05  

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