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Friday, December 28, 2012

Had A Wander To The Supermarket...

I needed some eggs...whilst there, I managed to get a small container of Blueberries reduced to 20p(approx 40c)and two onions, one swede, one parsnip and three carrots reduced from £1.50($2.41)to 15p(approx 35C)

Yes, I guess that I really find it hard to believe that I go out looking for such bargains...even more harder to accept that is if I ever have to move further away from my present home(and my mobility is difficult now)food at a normal price would cost so much more if you add taxi/bus fares but if I had gone by taxi from my present home I would have added another £6($9.67)to my shopping bill. I'd rather save that or put it towards more food or something essential like rent or heating. But just think my bargain tonight would have cost so much more.

I see two more public figures have left us...

Fontella Bass(Soul Singer)have to admit I only know one song of her's "Rescue Me"

General Norman Schwarzkopf


Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Well, that was exciting. I had some of chicken stew made earlier(quite a bit remains)so no excuse for not eating.

This morning I have no bread but had three baps with some strawberry jam and a mug of coffee for an early breakfast. Whilst I can, it is such a horrible day(lots of rain and windy)I have retired back to bed where I am warm and cosy.

I have enough food, medication. If I approach my Dr regarding the reports I want to send in to accompany the forms I sent a few days ago, with the mail being disrupted with Christmas and New Year and many places closing down often for a fortnight...

I'll approach him in the middle of next week. A few days won't make much difference now(Good or bad)

28 December 2012 at 07:17  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

It's amazing the difference an extra bedsheet makes...then again, I am also sporting a pom pom hat, scarf, fingerless gloves, thermals and bed socks :o)

28 December 2012 at 07:20  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hi David,
I slept fine...and no sweating :o)
and of course, I was able to remove certain items...I often prefer to be cool too but when I originally went to bed I was shaking with the cold.

28 December 2012 at 15:29  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Now I better explain, somehow a comment from Span Ows has disappeared, he mentioned that he prefers to be cold, that I probably would sweat and not sleep as well through being too hot.

28 December 2012 at 15:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gildy!

I've finally caught up with all of your posts!

I caught my breath when I heard you fell! That's sooo scary, I know. Glad you're okay. :o/

I agree about your comment in a previous post about your condition varying from day to day. I think most folks with illness experience this and most folks without them don't realize it.

Your post about unrequited love was so sad. I think it's because most people have experienced this in some fashion. It's a human experience most can relate to. :o(

I was so happy to read about your visit to the pub for an evening of live music! It's so good for you to be around people in a fun setting. Good for the spirit that! I really hope you keep that up and I'm hoping you can find more things to do that are affordable this new year.

Are you visiting at all when you go? I do hope so. It would be wonderful for you to make some new friends. I know you'd have dozens if they could ever talk to you a little while and see how kind and interesting you are! I know it didn't take me long! :o)

Sounds like your Christmas was nice...especially for your first. Well done you!

There's some interesting radio programs on in the next couple of weeks. You might visit our site and take a look...even if you aren't quite up to posting. You might find something worth listening to. :o)

Anyhoo, glad you are well.

Speak to you soon,
Jan :o)

(PS I'm a cool sleeper too!)

29 December 2012 at 02:02  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A friend of mine lost her twins at birth a few years ago. She wrote the following poem.

I think it fits beautifully for anyone who has suffered a loss. I lost a baby many years ago, so it speaks not only to that experience but also the loss of my Mom.

I asked her if she minded my sharing it with you...she was pleased to do it and hopes you find some comfort in it, as well...


A Little Less.....
by Patricia Benavides on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 3:18pm ·

For Jack and Angel, who would've turned 6 years old today and for anyone who has lost someone, especially so close to the holidays, this is all I can promise you. That someday, whether 5 years or more, it will hurt a little less.

A Little Less......
by: Patricia Benavides


This Year, it hurts a little less

and I find it to be a blessing.

There was no sudden moment of grief

to grip my heart so tight, that my chest would ache

and I cried uncrontrollably.

I waited for it

and then I began to wait

a little less.

This year it hurts a little less

and I remember when I thought it never would.

When I asked, how could it be?

Would hurting less, disrespect their memory?

This year I find myself wanting to be joyful

about my sons I lost.

I want to celebrate that they were here,

even if it was for such a short time.

And really, they never left.

Because it hurts a little less,

my heart and spirit are free to love them

and I can truly appreciate the journey.

I've come to a place called peace and hope

because now I know it is possible,

to hurt a little less.

29 December 2012 at 05:30  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Thank you for that Jan and will you thank your friend...

In the great scheme of things people are hurting all the time and having to cope with what life throws at them.

And I know what I face is not anywhere near what others have, will or are living through.

My fears are now wondering what the future holds and the changes I have told you of. I miss Mum(and Dad)I always will but then again how fortunate was I to have Mum in my life as long as I have. Many do not.

The fears are now about having enough income so I have a roof over my head, food on the table and can be warm.

And many have no idea how things will be. I hope that my fears are unfounded. If they are, hopefully you will see me continue to improve.

If not(and I know others have to adapt)to circumstances, my few treats like the internet or the odd night out may have to be given up. Even though a recent survey said that too many people are spending too much time on their own. The survey concentrated on elderly members of society but many of all ages are living this existance.

Christmas Night there was a phone-in on the radio, the sadness and examples of loney people getting through this time of year was heartbreaking often alone.

29 December 2012 at 06:33  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I should add that your own country is struggling too so also know how difficult and scary things are with the so called fiscal cliff...

29 December 2012 at 07:12  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It does concern me, Gildy, but I don't worry much. What's coming is coming and it may be very different than what I anticipate, good or bad, so why worry.

I figure if I spend all my time worrying I'm wasting the time I have right now that's not too bad.

My experience is that the good times get me through the bad times, so I'm trying to make as many good times as I can while I can, so if things get worse they will help me through...and if they don't then...yay! more good times! :o)

It works most days. Some days the black dog bites me in the butt pretty hard but I consciously fight that thing off like mad. :oP

When all else fails I find something to do with my hands...crochet, drawing, something, anything productive.

I'll tell you something really silly that doesn't cost much and makes me feel good? Coloring books. :oP Silly I know...but something about that takes me back and makes me feel happy. :o) And they're cheap! I'm a nut...I know...but whatever works, right?

I think if the whole world took one hour to color it would be a nicer place...and we'd all have great fridge art too! Win/Win!

Jigsaw puzzles are helpful too. Makes you forget yucky things for awhile.

Anything that gets me outta my own head is a good thing.

So don't worry. We'll get through it. :o)


29 December 2012 at 09:16  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Makes sense to me :o)and of course you are right.

29 December 2012 at 14:30  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Hi Gildy, not sure what happened, when I posted I did get the number/word 'capcha' wrong twice (!!) but after the third I thought it was OK, HOWEVER, if I did get it wrong again perhaps the filter doesn't show it as published but you still get the comment on email or whatever...that's the only explanation I can think of!

(at least it helps the other readers that you're not going bonkers!) :-)

29 December 2012 at 19:49  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

For now I have removed the comment varification again...we'll see how it goes :o)

29 December 2012 at 21:15  

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