Cold Wash...
I tried a fast cold wash tonight on the washer. It saved energy in that it only ran for thirty minutes and the water was not heated. How successful was it? Well, I'd say 99%. The only thing it did not manage was a pea size mark on a thermal vest(I think that was brown sauce)and a pair of white socks.
I think I can beat that by spraying a stain remover on them before washing or by adding a kind of oxidising powder in with the wash as I used to do.
Being single I can save my washing until I have a decent load. Sometimes I can go 3-4 weeks before I need to use the washer...but the weather is so bad and as I am avoiding the CH I have to consider using the tumble drier but the washer spins so well, the clothes are quite dry. So I can use the drier sparingly.
Kim Woodburn was on the radio the other night, for some reason she had been invited to discuss a story that people were starting to put their heating on in summer(if this can be called a Summer)and the question was "Were the British getting soft?" I haven't mine on and I will be spare with it in Winter too...unless I can give up on something else.
She is right when she says...It's there to keep you warm and sometimes it can be really cold in Summer, our seasons are not perhaps as they were but I'm not so sure...I remember getting on a bus in hot summer weather in Bournemouth and going to Christchurch, a neighbouring town and within minutes it was like winter, cold, windy and rain lashing down.
All she kept saying was "Put it on" whatever the time of the year and anyone who avoided doing so was seen as strange. There was no mention by anyone that some would like to switch it on but cannot afford to Using it sparingly. For many it's making the decision of whether to eat well or heat the home. That income may be going reducing or static but the cost of gas and electric continue to rise even if you use less and do all the money saving tips *energy companies, politicians and experts suggest.
*They want you to use more, after all it's a business and there to make a profit.
I think I can beat that by spraying a stain remover on them before washing or by adding a kind of oxidising powder in with the wash as I used to do.
Being single I can save my washing until I have a decent load. Sometimes I can go 3-4 weeks before I need to use the washer...but the weather is so bad and as I am avoiding the CH I have to consider using the tumble drier but the washer spins so well, the clothes are quite dry. So I can use the drier sparingly.
Kim Woodburn was on the radio the other night, for some reason she had been invited to discuss a story that people were starting to put their heating on in summer(if this can be called a Summer)and the question was "Were the British getting soft?" I haven't mine on and I will be spare with it in Winter too...unless I can give up on something else.
She is right when she says...It's there to keep you warm and sometimes it can be really cold in Summer, our seasons are not perhaps as they were but I'm not so sure...I remember getting on a bus in hot summer weather in Bournemouth and going to Christchurch, a neighbouring town and within minutes it was like winter, cold, windy and rain lashing down.
All she kept saying was "Put it on" whatever the time of the year and anyone who avoided doing so was seen as strange. There was no mention by anyone that some would like to switch it on but cannot afford to Using it sparingly. For many it's making the decision of whether to eat well or heat the home. That income may be going reducing or static but the cost of gas and electric continue to rise even if you use less and do all the money saving tips *energy companies, politicians and experts suggest.

*They want you to use more, after all it's a business and there to make a profit.
Any stain especially greasy ones are greatly helped by a blob of washing up liquid rubbed into it. Then you can just leave until you have a wash load. It really works well.
Or leave item of clothing in an amouont of washing powder for a couple of days, the soaking removes most stains.
Thank you for the advice :-)
I was amazed that such a short cycle/cod wash did so well...
3-4 weeks without using your washing machine ? What about your towels, sheets & underwear ? !Do you only change your towels & sheets every 3 weeks ? ! It's been proved that not washing stuff like underwear on at least a 40 degree wash can lead to a build up of bacteria & could lead to skin infections ? Towels should always be washed at a minimum of 50 degrees.
I can wash by hand you know, I have plenty of underwear. I wouldn't put a washer on just for pants but might include them if there is spare space.
Plenty of towels too.
If you are using a towel and it's not too wet where are the bacteria coming from because you have washed yourself, used soap so your hands/body are clean?
How many sheets do you think I am using? Or need? I used to have this argument when Mum was alive with some of the Anon's on here and the DN/SW.
There's not many people changing sheets daily...and it's a fair bet many homes do it weelkly/fortnightly...if it's a wash of personal stuff/bedding or said I won't use a hotter wash?
A decent website says monthly is good enough for a change of bedding(regarding washing)but if bothered by dustmites you could change them wekly/fortnightly)
Obviously, you can rotate some sheets/blankets and that's more important if you sweat a lot.
But you know...if you are watching the cost of energy, cutbacks will be made where possible and I bet many households are watching what they spend on tasks like this.
A washer is needed more and likely to be used more frequently if the house has more than one person living there, especially children/teenagers or you are working.
Not everyone has a bath every day(and many people have a full bath once/twice a week)and the rest of the time probably stand at the sink and give themselves a going over)
Concentrating on what the "Monty Python" comedy TV show used to call the "Naughty Bits!"
If changing bedding more often is a problem(for a variety of reasons) it is suggested go for lighter sheets rather than bulky comforters or quilts. They are easier to wash too...
I'll tell you one tip I heard, don't make your bed as soon as you get up, leave the bed clothes down and air the bed for perhaps thirty minutes to an hour.
I change the bedsheets once a year whether they need it or not!! Same for underwear. It's an oldie but a goodie as Steve Allen would say.
PS. Quite agree about the towels.
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