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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

They Tell Me That My Line Has Gone Live!!!

And I can now use my broadband :-)

So later on I'll have a go at setting the router up and see what happens...

I'm about to find out if my TV has arrived otherwise I'll save popping out. I hope I purchased the right size but I didn't want one that exactly dominates the room or is too small I kind of went for the middle size...

Tomorrow, if I go ahead with the appointment I see my Dr and discuss getting my hernia fixed. Not looking forward to that!

Then again I may cancel and see him after I am contacted about the scattering of Mum's ashes and making a little commemoration plaque to remember Mum by...


Anonymous VQ said...

Cooo, Gildy. It's all happening!
Hope the broadband works and good news about staying where you are.
It needn't stop you looking around for a smaller place though - it would be so much cheaper to heat.
Anyway, no rush.

I'm not sure that putting your baguettes in the fridge is a good idea - unless they are wrapped in foil. I wonder if they might get damp and go mouldy.

It wouldn't hurt to see your doctor, just to discuss what's possible. You don't have to go along with his suggestions and, in any case, there is probably a long waiting list.

You're sounding good. Well done!

8 May 2012 at 17:18  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hi VQ The baguettes are wrapped up and not open to the air :-)

I'll see what the Dr does need doing...

And for now we'll see how the situation goes but no quick decisions need to be made for now...

8 May 2012 at 21:17  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

The TV was there for collection but I started to wonder if I needed a larger one. But I worked out that I am ten paces from where the present TV is at the farthest point when sitting down so I walked the same distance in the store and I can still see it fine.

And I can always move closer to the TV if I feel I need to. It's big enough. And again if I should move somewhere and its smaller than here a 40" would be too big.

8 May 2012 at 21:22  

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