I'm Not Eating As Much As I Was...
But I'm not hungry. That's not good even though I have all that choice in the cupboards and fridge/freezer....all I have had so far today is a kind of Chinese noodle soup thing in a mug.
Now, I don't always follow the rules about food that is out of date. I cannot smell if something is off but I can look and if its been in a fridge I don't believe that many foods reach a certain date and they have to be thrown out immediately. Often the date is a guide. I think if you are cooking something thoroughly and its hot, its pretty safe...Its more a problem with cold food.
I have four pork pies with a date of the 14th May and I am going to eat at least two of them tonight with some salad. If I am not here in the morning you'll know. I am going to boil three eggs at the same time rather than one at a time. Then I can use the others in a sandwich or whatever. With or without mayonnaise. And I can follow it with a small cheesecake, a rice pot or a little strawberry trifle.
I'm off to have a meter reading session and later a bit of a wash and shave. And I may watch Blockbusters on the tv...
What an exciting life I lead...
Now, I don't always follow the rules about food that is out of date. I cannot smell if something is off but I can look and if its been in a fridge I don't believe that many foods reach a certain date and they have to be thrown out immediately. Often the date is a guide. I think if you are cooking something thoroughly and its hot, its pretty safe...Its more a problem with cold food.
I have four pork pies with a date of the 14th May and I am going to eat at least two of them tonight with some salad. If I am not here in the morning you'll know. I am going to boil three eggs at the same time rather than one at a time. Then I can use the others in a sandwich or whatever. With or without mayonnaise. And I can follow it with a small cheesecake, a rice pot or a little strawberry trifle.
I'm off to have a meter reading session and later a bit of a wash and shave. And I may watch Blockbusters on the tv...
What an exciting life I lead...
I don't think any of us lead particularly exciting lives, Gildy. We just have to make the most of the time we have.
By the way, you often talk of music. I wonder what you think of a particular favourite of mine. It's Etta James singing At Last. It's on You Tube.
I only discovered her relatively recently. Can't think why I'd never heard of her before.
Oh Wow,
Etta James. That's a bit like me VQ...I don't know a lot of her music but that is a fantastic version of that song(even though I like theoriginal by Glenn Miller)
Its how she sings it but the arrangement that accompanies her...those sweeping strings...
Not counting a couple of Christmas songs by her I also have...
I Just Want To Make Love To You and The Very Thought Of You.
Our local supermarket was selling a CD of her's for £3-£5 quite recently. Probably cheaper to download...
If you can find your way around spotify(I'm still learning)Streaming doesn't take a lot of broadband usage.
There you can choose songs to listen to(or buy)but they also have dedicated radio stations(no dj's)and if you say pick 60's music or country...you'll get one song after another to listen to...
My exciting life has just discovered a hole in one of my new pairs of lounging trousers which I'll have to sew up. Also I missed a recorded delivery earlier today(I wonder if it's the Dressing Gown arrived a week early)
I've tried to rearrange it to be delivered tomorrow...if it isn't I cannot think what it is...
My life wouldn't make great reading either, Gildy. :oP
Love Miss Etta! Glad you discovered her VQ. :o)
As for the food date thing, I think there's a difference between "sell by" and "use by" dates. The former has a little more leeway.
Morning Jan,
Hopefully I'll get back to posting onthe site that we met soon...
Perhaps one day if money gets sorted I can still download or buy a CD now and again.
As said though I'm learning my way around/trying to understand Spotify and they seem to allow you to listen to music even if you do not buy...
I think there is a service that has ads(fre)or another which you pay a slight fee to use(without ads)
But it seems to have quite a lot of music to choose from.
Most of us just want to be able to eat reasonably well, be warm and most of all if fortunate to have loved one's you want to see that they are safe, healthy and happy.
We're not bothered about exciting...usually exciting means someone is bringing stress into your life and it's actually better to have a low profile and be under the radar.
You've already gone through the pain of losing your parents so know what I am feeling.
The doubts I have about what I did/did not do, some times where I could've been more considerate(even if you do your best)
Of course there are times where you say or do something you regret(even though few)
Hence the saying you always hurt the one you love.
But Mum knew I loved her as she did me. It was unconditional love...a bond that no one could break.
I agree about sell by and use by dates BTW but those pork pies thoughthey said use by were fine and I may risk the other two that remain today...I'd be more likely to throw out anything with use by if it is dairy or fresh vegetables.
A day or two I think is still reasonably safe. Some people worry as soon as a day comes around that something immediately is unsafe...its common sense really.
Its like they'll say put something in the frezer on the day you buy it and it will last a month...
And the date on the product might be 15th now in the supermarket it may on sale in a chiller/refridgerator cabinet until the 14th so that means you can put in the freezer anytime between 1st of the month to the 14th depending on when you purchased it and if your freezer is full until space is created, I think that really means you can keep in the fridge and move it to the freezer when you are ready to within the period they suggest. So could actually get 6 weeks rather thanjust the four.
That's true. And you can get some pretty good deals on items that are close to sell by date.
As for your comment on eating reasonably well, it reminded me, I heard a snippet on the news this morning that made me laugh. They said they've discovered that people who have been to college tend to live longer than those who haven't by nine years. They attributed this to those folks tending to watch their health more than the others. I think it's more like they can afford proper food, doctor visits and all their medicine! :oP
I so agree about the stress thing! Isn't it funny how much you appreciate boring the older you get? :o)
And I do know what you're going through, Gildy. :o( I'm lucky enough to still have my Pops. I was extremely close to my Mom. We were best friends.
As for regrets, you are a human being and are bound to have them. But that's the beautiful thing about Mothers (the good ones anyway) they know your heart better than anyone and they always seem to understand. I know my Mom did. And yes, your Mum knew you loved her and that you took wonderful care of her. You did right by her, my friend.
And yes! We miss you over there! I've sent you a PM when you get around to it. No hurry. Whenever your ready. It's not time sensitive or anything. :oP
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