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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Don't Know If Its Good Or Bad...

My second meter reading of the week shows that I have used five units of electric in twenty four hours and three of gas in the same period. During that time that's two hours of gas and for the electric that's a little tv watching, the pc, monitor and router and some cooking in the main oven and hobs.

And my DAB radio's...

They'll tell me when I give them the readings next week...I hope that they are on the lower side rather than the other way...

Quite soon, I think I am going to have salad, pork pies and bread bun(I haven't done any chips or potatoes this time)and follow with a little desert of some kind and a mug of coffee. At least I'm eating...

I've been buying some items I would not look at usually so its all new to me. I bought my first pizza yesterday. I'll probably use half and freeze the rest for another day. And though I have gone for the low priced brands, when comparing the calories and other information on the front the readings have been the same or almost the same as the items that cost quite a lot more.

I don't know if they are coming in and going out as soon as they arrive(or they just have not been in stock during that period)but I have been trying to get Corn Flakes in this range for ten days and so far no joy...

If I can manage to eat what I have and not buy much more, when I go to the neighbouring town for my next hospital appointment I may do a big shop at Aldi's...

I have so much food you'd think I was feeding a family of five! I haven't had to throw much away either...The annoying thing is that I love food. I'll probably eat a good variety in the future but I'll probably do quick meals rather than looking through my recipe books for something really special to make.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We consider it a challenge to whip something up with hardly anything in the cupboard, Gildy.

We've come up with some pretty creative recipes at the end of the month! :oP


17 May 2012 at 13:42  
Anonymous VQ said...

Can we hear what some of them were, Jan?
It might be helpful to those of us who are less creative.

17 May 2012 at 14:15  

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