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Monday, November 28, 2011

A Quiet Day...

Nothing much happening...I prefer it that way...

Plenty of sleeping, a little shopping(had to go out the fridge was virtually empty)and I have never purchased as milk as I do now. But if I don't I would have to go out more but two Complans and cereal/porridge and you'd be amazed how that milk soon disappears.

I think the treatment is still working on Mum as the sunburn area looks more angry than a few days ago(a small price to pay)if the tumour is still being attacked...sadly as can happen with sunburn caused by the sun Mum has a few small blisters that have appeared so I am making certain that she has plenty of cream to soothe the area.

A night of radio listening and a small meal for Mum and myself...(Mum had scrambled egg with added cheese, some chicken breast, heinz tomato ketchup and wholemeal toast)I went for a salad containing chicken breast, cucumber, tomato, egg, celery, lettuce, spring onion, carrot and branston pickle. So what we have had was tasty and reasonably healthy.

At least Mum has had something on her stomach.

Tomorrow is another day, we'll see what that entails...


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