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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Well That's That For Now...

The Councillor has been in touch and he says go with the advice I have been given. If/when the woman comes back about the problem tell her to check with her own department which said the opposite of what she did and/or the CAB who has checked legality of the problem.

I've already mentioned most of what is known previously.

The lady who asked for this work to be carried out visited our garden before the tree survey was done and said she could see that we look after everything.

If the matter is taken further hopefully the same conclusion will be reached.

It is annoying to think I have been given worry because of a problem that I was unaware existed but I was left to sort out, taking up my time and through taxi fares I incurred financial loss too whilst those who instigated it probably never gave it a thought and just did what they normally do.


Blogger Span Ows said...

well done for persevering.

25 August 2011 at 18:51  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its the old Dunkirk spirit! :-)

I may sometimes seem to "Faff" on but when I have to I do make a stand.

But most of the time I cause little if any problems for anyone and am so easy about most things.

So when my dander is raised, it has to be important.

26 August 2011 at 01:13  

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