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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I Hope All Will Be Well...

The advice from a reliable source today and this is information was gleaned from the Housing Association itself...There are no dangerous trees after the tree survey was carried out so in theory no one is being asked to cut them back or to have them taken out.

The 8'Feet rule does not exist.

All the HA asks is that gardens and its contents are maintained and kept tidy.

So what I have been told would appear to be totally wrong.

Now,if there is a neighbour dispute and both are tenants of the HA they hope that you will come to an agreement with mediation under the HA rules.

If its a private neighbour and a HA tenants it goes to Environmental Health. But the person advising me didn't think that would be a problem. But if it is, to go back and see them.

EH would tie in with the Councillor I contacted but again he said if the tree is not near property and/or blocking light from a house or conservatory the tree should be safe.

And yes we could apply for a Tree Preservation Order if it looked as though it could be.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Nice one! Now, imagine you were alone and not somebody "to question" any authority, imagine your mother, reading the demands and getting worried so she gets in somebody - maybe at own expense - to chop down the trees. Just goes to show that you should always question things that sound wrong!

23 August 2011 at 16:51  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Exactly Span...

I was told by someone from another HA(not knowing who each of us really are)that she felt our HA or that representative speaking on behalf of the organisation "Had lost the plot!"

If so she's not doing the HA any favours and giving it a bad name/causing problems that don't exist.

Just suppose I'd gone ahead knowing she is to return soon...

Especially when you write "Urgent" on your calling cards.

Of course he may want to take it further and then it will involve the Unitary Coucil but any action would still mean that 8'Feet rule is out the window or should be.

23 August 2011 at 17:39  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I am biased but when I went for my appointment today the taxi took me a route past his house and I could see my tree...It looked great to me and his garden was not in darkness. So I saw it from a different angle.

Those who advised me were ready to push the Tree Preservation Order if I said the word.

I said lets see if its needed and have that as a back up.

23 August 2011 at 20:10  
Blogger Span Ows said...

Good. Smacks of "jealousy or pettiness by the neighbour.

P.S. "Had lost the plot!"...I read that and felt sure there was a gardening joke on the way! :-)

23 August 2011 at 23:07  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I couldn't see the wood for the trees Span...

I think everyone missed that.

Very Good! :-)

24 August 2011 at 01:01  

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