Update On The Town's Development
In my town the political spin was stepped up and as the election drew nearer leaflets were put out telling the townsfolk how progress had been made regarding the delay over the new retail development and the demolition of public amenities(Health Centre and Library)that have seen better days. And you couldn't help but think the information was being released to influence the "Floating Voter"
Well, look you know my initial thoughts on this development and you've seen pictures of the older part of the town centre's retail area and the new area in a previous entry.
Once again, things are supposed to be moving soon but the block of shops in the older part of the town that is coming down has been secured and boarded up but although the following picture is dark, you may be able to spot something I saw by chance, one board looks as though someone managed to climb up to quite a height and had taken a saw and cut a massive hole in it so now all the towns pigeons have a roost inside a building all to themselves. Can you imagine what that must be like.
This window is also in the picture below at the top of the image at the right end of the building(this is the health centre due to be razed to the ground but from this position you may think this window is part of the same building, it's not its another building behind that one)Think I have a clearer one I can substitute this for later.
Turning around, as in the next image, this is the start of the new development.
The above area is often covered in litter, the litter bin is broken and the seat has graffiti written across it. This seat is not hidden away but in full view of one of the main roads of the town and over the road from...the magistrate court and is one of the main routes(When walking)of entering the new area. It's in front of a bank.
To the right we have an area that has been covered in stones and piled high but you can see though the area is still unbuilt on, virtually all the stones have disappeared.
The stones are missing because they've all been kicked elsewhere. And possibly in recent days someone has bothered to sweep many of them up and remove them from outside of their shop fronts.
But as you can see above some are still to be seen.
What baffles me is why an empty area was left covered in rubble ever since this project was completed as far as it has. The image below and you can see one of the few trees that has been snapped off. This is all again in full view not hidden away.
The problem is that the few retail units available have nearly all been taken and they offer nothing new but probably realise that their business would improve by being next door to the new superstore. Especially if, they are not in competition though you could argue that Argos is similar to Tesco's as they are now selling items instore and via a catalogue(and online)
Other retailers now include a job centre, a bank, opticians, solicitor and now unless I find out otherwise facing the Job Centre...a betting shop. I looked through the window and its design looks that way to me. I think there are two retail units that remain empty and then all units are taken.
I have to admit that the staff of Tesco's are helpful and the range of goods available has much improved. Many are nice to me and I think I can say they like serving me. But you know any supermarket I have used I seem to treated well. As I have said before if you are unable to travel out of town and you have only one retailer selling food...where are you going to go? They do know how to run their business and for me, it is the highlight of my week(How sad)and often when I say I'll be quick, I get lost and find myself coming out of the store hours later.
What the supermarket has done within the shell of the building is amazing, what they have squeezed into the available space and the extra floor with lots of electrical goods, computers and DVD's, CD's, PC Games, fashion and a café. If money was no object, I am sure I could spend lots more, though I seem to spend plenty already.
The above is the closet I dared go to the store(I was still outside)Even I know that taking photo's inside would require permission but an over zealous trolley pusher warned me to stop, the first time in all of my life anyone has suggested that I am unable to take pictures around the town that I live in. Which I object to. Well, with a modern digital camera, it is possible to take photo's from quite a distance away, off premises and if you are not being unreasonably critical that does seem over sensitive.This entry is more about the development and who isn't really taking care of the area and how when the public is offered new amenities they allow it to look a little rundown even though it's only a couple of years old and some units still have to be occupied. As far as this retailer being mentioned it is in a pretty positive light.
Ant, I think you stay remarkably positive and cheerful considering how little interest your council takes in your town.
The Tescos sound pretty good.
Thanks for sharing these, Gildy. It's interesting to track the development process of your local area.
Thanks to you both,
I want to be proud and say that I like my town and in many ways, it's pretty good, I live streets away from this and the difference is so contrasting.
Here we have some modern amenities, costing who knows what and yet already being mis-treated in some ways by those whose lives it's meant to improve. If it looks like this soon after being built, what will it look like say in a decade.
Do we deserve to be given decent retailers? Darlington is being upgraded and has had millions poured into it but it the main shopping area never looks neglected.
You'd believe as our town centre is so small it would be easier to look after and keep in a decent state.
Maybe, next week I'll try and get a shot of a bank in town, that has painted its wall around the ATM numerous times and with days...even with cctv and notices saying its not allowed Skate boarders have done their fancy tricks and managed to leave lots of dirty wheel marks all over it.
I think that the bank has given up...
I would have continued taking the photos (but then I was always a bit of a rebel) as the trolley pusher has no authority.
Hopefully you will have a town centre to be proud of. But there is a growing number of out of city centres 'leisure' parks, cinemas, bowling alleys, shops etc at least there is around where I am.
Take care and please post more on this subject, if your council don't care we do. :-)
L xxx
Gildy, be careful taking pics of Banks, they'll think you're on a stakeout ! Lol!
Thanks L,
What you say is true and the big towns that surround us have spent millions and been upgrading their shopping areas. In some ways I am amazed that Tesco's set up here as they have a really gigantic building near the City Of Durham.
Stay Lucky x
Yes Curmy, Banks...well in the christmas lights pictures as taken last year the bank was in that picture but at the time the lights were most important and...I think for once(maybe as it was winter)the skateboarders had left it looking quite tidy.
Tesco is Tesco is Tesco so it will always be 'ok' but very rarely excellent. The other deveopements seem very impersonal but I guess that's what happens, it all about ease of parking, entering stores etc.
In the 70's early eight'es the banks were the first to get out of the traditional High Street. I lived in London 'suburbia' so many smaller towns absorbed into the Greater London Sprawl lost many regular shops but teh banks were first...funnily enough that trend is reversed and the place I grew up in now has a bustling High Street just as it did when I grew up.
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