Climate Change?

Oh, I fear for our planet. I do believe it is under threat. I am sure that the Human Race has played its part in many things that could be responsible for how the Earth is progressing whether it's due to us killing fellow creatures or taking resources out of the ground to make our lives easier or to come up with inventions and medical advancement but I'm not sure I could honestly say that we should take all the blame.
It was only a matter of years ago we were being told that we were heading for an ice age again especially those of us in the Northern hemisphere and that means in particular The United Kingdom. Even now, there are some scientists and theorists that will tell you that yes, the world is still heating up but we are still coming out of the ice age. Some think after we reach a certain point we will start to go back into an Ice Age again.
We are told that the Earth like many planets(the few that we know of)will go through cycles and we must not forget that as clever as we believe we are science is not necessarily exact and there are many variables. Weather forecasting is clever and yet I am sure that many times we forget when the experts get it right and we can all recall incidents where we had weather totally different to what we were promised on the tv or radio.
But things can be so different within a few miles. We keep being told that slight changes in the climate at a certain time of the year is due to Global Warming and then in the next breath experts can point to exceptions where the weather has not always behaved as we'd expect.
We have many more things that are likely to affect our future on the planet. Just breathing as any living creature must will add to the problem of warming the planet but we cannot all stop breathing. It's an awful thing to suggest but perhaps we should be looking at the size of the Human population across the globe and accept that there are too many Humans.
Why should we(though you obviously try to protect your own)believe that it is our right to survive and be on the Earth until the very last minute. How many organisms or creatures have had to adapt or become extinct since the Earth began? And how many will continue to?
How many natural disasters will cause harm to the planet much more than we ever will? A massive Earthquake, a big volcanic eruption could put out a massive amount of debris that could cause lots of problems across the planet. What if a meteor smashed into the Earth? Its all "What If's" and probabilities.
Then we have to look at what scientists believe they know of the Universe and how a planet will eventually fail probably because of how the Universe behaves such as a Sun exploding or imploding, Black holes and many more things that I don't understand.
What about the fact that our Earth is slowing down, what about the middle of our Earth cooling down or what happens as the Magma or Lava that comes out of it, What's replacing it or will it at some point collapse?(Sorry if the terms I am using are incorrect, I'm only an ordinary guy)There is some worry over the magnetic field of the earth becoming less which some scientists see as another threat to our existence(I forget why)and it also behaves strangely in that every so many years, it reverses itself and I don't believe as yet anyone can explain why.
If the Earth continues to slow down and then stop. As this happens our days and nights will become longer. Some areas already hit be extreme cold and/or drought will be further affected and I suppose eventually one half of the Earth will remain in constant heat from the Sun whilst the other half will be so cold and dark it too will suffer.
There is only so much that we can do. The Earth behaved in many extreme ways before we were created and the same will be true of the future.
I believe to some extent that the Earth goes through cycles. Of course I am all for trying to do things to help the environment but its not that simple. Many experts and pressure groups will tell you to plant a tree. How many can we plant? What kind should we plant? Can we all afford to keep buying them? Then experts will tell you that some trees are more harmful than others and where they are planted can cause problems.
If you recycle as I do, what I put out is taken away in big lorries to other parts of the country to be reused so all these extra vehicles are on the roads travelling great distances using petrol or some such fuel and adding to the so called carbon footprint of the planet. My eyesight isn't as good as it was so we are all being told that from 2009 or there about we have to use energy saving light bulbs. I'll know better when I use them but all that I have read suggests that they are not as good as those we already use.
They keep saying we'll save energy and therefore save money but that's assuming that the energy companies do not keep increasing their charges. I watched a programme telling you how to save energy costs and to put it bluntly if you followed all they were suggesting and were saving all that they said that you could you were receiving your gas and electric for nothing and we all know that's impossible.
I don't like to see celebrities banging on about Global Warming and telling us what to do(especially as many of them then return to their fancy lifestyles, cars and big houses. Some will be genuine but most know it looks good for their public image. The same is true of many of the media companies. If its so harmful the use of cars, what are the Motor sport organisations doing to offset their Carbon Footprint. At least most people who use a car have some motive behind their journey whether its to collect families or go to work. Something like Formula 1 they are just going around the world and then going around a track burning loads of fuel.
There are many theories as to why the Earth is heating up but some of the most plausible are not getting the publicity that they deserve or at least the chance of being discussed. Even sceptics like me accept some of what we are told is genuine but a lot is questionable.
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