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Monday, February 18, 2013

The Media May Be...

talking about the inclusion of horsemeat in some of our food. I think what concerns most is the deception on cultural/religious grounds. It has become seemingly apparent that many people have eaten horsemeat(probably when on holiday abroad)and in all honesty don't mind it. It has been suggested that as meat prices increase they might even happily eat horse if it was on sale in the UK.

The question is more why has is it not on sale and I cannot again decide if that is due to some kind of ban or the belief the demand isn't there. It has fallen out of favour it cannot be denied.

I don't know enough of what happened in what have become to be known as the great world wars. In fact I know very little. But I have heard that when meat was being rationed and popular favourites were in short supply we substituted and started to eat items we would not consider. I know we started to eat fish not normally available locally(I have sadly forgotten what it was)but horsemeat was also for sale.

For different reasons and yet there are simularities to what is happening now after following this twitter feed as I sometimes do. I tried to link/post directly as I am told that I can but without success. So I give them credit.

WW2 Tweets From 1941"Dozens of butchers in Japan have been arrested for selling dog meat as "beef"- food rationing has left Japanese hungry for black-market meat"

It kind of proves that history does repeat itself and the old adage that there is "Nothing New Under The Sun"


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