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Friday, February 15, 2013

I Like Music But...

Am not really a fan of the musical. I do not have any desire to see Les Misérables on stage or the new version for the cinema. Though from what I remember it was a pretty good book and I heard a radio darma of it from the 40's starring Orson Welles(I think)which still sounds good. Click on the links...and listen. It really is a crime that the advent of TV killed off a wonderful medium that offered so much.

So I surprised myself by being in the audience at a local theatre last evening watching what was basically four unknown singers(well unknown to me)I still didn't know their names when I started this post. They were supported by six dancers and a four piece backing band. Theymainly sang the back catalogue of the group Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. They did stray into some music of 50's and 60's that was not Four Seasons material.

It was pretty good and they did a fair attempt at singing the songs(trying to look like the group)and give a feeling of the time. New Jersey Nights is doing good business in the States(according to the publicity)and this version seems to be packing them in across the UK. I think the review of the show in the Scottish paper I have linked to is pretty fair and close to what happened when I saw it and how I felt. I don't always agree with critics even though I guess that seems contradictory as often a blog is opinionated and critical.

By the end of the night the audience were on their feet clapping and moving, cheering and whistling their approval. Which must make the cast feel very good.

I do wonder if they get an emotional high(as many stage performers do)what they do when they come off stage and how they wind down especially in a town like Darlington where there is very little to do even for the locals.

Even the buses are virtually all off the roads between 10pm-11pm and taxi's are only available if you phone for one. You'll be lucky to find one on a taxi rank.

And in these austere times people are watching the pennies so businesses are struggling to attract people out of their homes. I think I was confused as I was thinking it was a touring version of The Jersey Boys which features the music of The Four Seasons but also tells their life story.

The group itself I have discovered are doing a limited tour later this year. The concerts will sell out of course but when most of the shows I attend cost between £8-£20 it is interesting comparing prices...using a venue I remember well, the Bournemouth International Centre the tickets are starting at £45 and £55 but if you go through a ticket site the prices get crazy. I think they have shows also in Manchester, Edinburgh and five or six in London.

All in all though it was a reasonable way to spend approx 100 minutes and luckily as it finished in time to catch a bus home earlier than expected and not have to hang around for 30 or 40 minutes and was home by 10.30pm rather than usually getting in between 11pm or later.


Blogger Span Ows said...

...and no doubt better than the cinema where there is very little interaction with the stage or other attendees.

16 February 2013 at 17:39  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I did not realise you'd commented as I edited my original post. Just added extra links but I have not altered the actual text.

I do wonder what will play theatres as the years go by as the smaller venues are depending on performers that are in their twilight years but willing to play different sized venues and drop their prices accordingly.

Tribute bands pretending to be and recreate bands that no longer perform or are unlikely to appear at a venue and an odd comedy/drama play.

I've lost the interest generally in film and television and my passions(if I can afford them)are radio/theatre and music.

So the way I have to try and keep this going is through the internet.

A theatre is a social event and it is a bit sad coming back to an empty house but that is something the cinema doesn't have even though now we seem to be having some films that do result in an audience standing up and applauding.

A newish idea is that local cinemas are using satellite links to show concerts, operas and plays from venues in london and the like...and two theatres now often show plays from London saving the cost of travel and staying in a hotel.

16 February 2013 at 18:59  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Actually thoughh it might affect the success of a venue when you have a group like The Four Seasons only doing perhaps 8 shows and sticking to only a small selection of towns...

They could earn more money and be seen by more people if they would offer at least one show to be shown at various venues using a satelite link. They should do it more often.

It's a wonder pay per view TV hasn't offered more entertainment events instead of just concentrating on sporting events.

16 February 2013 at 19:07  

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