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Tuesday, May 08, 2012

It's A Nightmare...

Today I saw the CAB to try and sort things and was given advice a few minutes ago...I could not find all the forms I thought that I needed but I had the information that I believed I needed to tell them. I'm was still unsure how I would cope if it was bad news.

The department you phone at the council benefits office kept cutting me off but I managed to get a phone line and was in a queue listening to some music of dreamy guitar accompanied by a piano, I assume that they play this to calm people down.

I did get through and a lot of my worries were lifted. So I was going to the CAB in a positive frame of mind.

If I have to pay full rent and the community charge(even with a discount for being a single tenant)it's quite a bit initially.

When I came off the phone I found a letter from the place I had just talked to and they'd suspended my benefits! And I have no access to Mum's savings yet so that messed up my payments even the rent! And you guessed it, I could not access the helpline again...

The CAB got the suspension cancelled. They can access other numbers. Once Mum's savings reduce I will receive help and should my savings really come down with utility bills, food etc...I probably will be OK...I'll have to watch the pennies initially but it's possible that I will be fine.

I should not have to move out of the property even if they try to persuade me. When things change with this government I may have to look at this again. And worry then but for now...things are brighter!

I thought that the new idea of charging for unused bedrooms was for Social turns out its for private properties. But I don't know if that means privately rented properties or also properties that are owned by the person living there. That came as a surprise.

Once again  I will take each day as it comes...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well it's not really such a nightmare is it ? You've been reassured you won't be penniless & that you won't be forced to move,so try & be a bit more positive now ( : Buy a cheap mobility scooter & volunteer to do a little voluntary work.

8 May 2012 at 16:06  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I changed a post that was writing before I went to the CAB and I did not remember to change the title which I can do but then your comment won't make any sense...

Not out of the woods yet though, things may change when I come into Mum's savings or next year when the changes come in so I
may need the CAB again...for now though things are a little better than I feared.

8 May 2012 at 16:28  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know , it doesn't matter what encouraging remarks people make on here ,you always manage to see the negative side of things,& pour cold water on any ray of hope .I suppose you've now got a reason to fret for another year, just incase things do get worse. Oh well if you want to live like that, there's nothing I can say that will make you want to change your outlook on life. It just all seems such a waste of a life & an opportunity to do new things. I'm sorry but I shan't bother to read your blog any more. It's just so depressing that what ever people suggest, you say " Yes but " & then give half a dozen reasons why you shouldn't do things , ( ie you shouldn't do voluntary work in case you're made to get a job ) & another half a dozen as to why you feel so sorry for yourself & everybody else should feel sorry for you as well.! Perhaps you've got serious depression & should speak to your GP about how miserable you feel.

8 May 2012 at 18:31  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm honestly not...I'm happy considering the situation I am in. And today has gone well and there is more to look forward to.

I may have to have an op which would worry anyone...and some things did go wrong today until the CAB sorted it out. They even told me they expect that I will need their help in the future...

I'm not trying to avoid work, what I said was that my condition varies day to day, hour to hour and a lot of the new plans this Government has does not take that into account but if you look as though you can it can affect your situation.

Don't forget I did over 15 years of voluntary work.

I'm not here as much many think, I tend to use it as a hi-fi to listen to music/radio or set something away and leave it doing it's business.

If you wish not to read my blog or leave comments that is your choice...

8 May 2012 at 20:27  
Anonymous VQ said...

Quite right, Gildy.
I thought you were sounding rather upbeat.

8 May 2012 at 20:32  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Being upbeat, calm and collected is how I was always known. Also people used to come to me for advice or off load their problems to me.

I think anyone would be a little downbeat when you have lost a loved one and its still early days and I knew Mum all my life so far.

And it would be fine if you were allowed to grieve before sorting out other matters like finances etc...most of it was easy to sort out until the probate thing happened...

I was happy before I went to the CAB for advice,then that letter was on the mat...even my equivelent of a bartender/barber, who listens to your woes(the taxi drivers understood my concerns)

Usually I can arrange anything and am dependable but this is all new to me...

8 May 2012 at 20:40  

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