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Sunday, September 04, 2011

Woodman, Woodman Spare That Tree...

Went the old song made popular by Phil Harris(Baloo The Bear in Disney's Jungle Book)

He pleads with a lumberjack not to fell a tree that he climbs to get away from his wife when she's in an angry mood...

The tale says that "If you don't see me on the ground!" Don't touch the tree as that's where I'll be, hiding in the tree.

Well, with all my problems of late(which I hope are over)we're still not out of the woods yet!

So I found the following(Again involving a Housing Association again...)

Where the wrong trees have been taken down in someone's garden whilst they were out shopping and even when they returned and tried to stop the workman doing further damage he just kept on with his task...

Trees Felled In Error...


Blogger Span Ows said...

Trees that are irreplaceable in their lifetimes unless the HA will pay for full grown transplants (and they won't); they have offered to plant something and fix the damage but 15 year old trees don't grow on trees!

6 September 2011 at 18:11  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I'm tempted to say that the guy who chopped the trees down should be chased after...

The tree surgeon we talked to told of a recent case where he was asked to fell a tree and it had a preservation order on it and he said no.

The guy who wanted it down found someone else to do the deed.

To cut the story short, the person who ordered it to be felled and the guy who did it found themselves both fined £1,000 each and they had to put a similar typee of tree back in the same place where the original had been.

As you say I doubt it will be anywhere near the maturity of the one taken out but they've paid the price.

6 September 2011 at 19:27  

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