The Passing Of Time...
Most of the time I think only of today, I don't dwell on the past or think of the future...if you do you realise how time is passing by all too quickly. Thankfully, I often think of age as being only a number but with each birthday and festivals like Christmas you know that that's another you'll not see again...
I find that I don't notice the passing of time so much from events I have lived through and witnessed.
Generally, its more with music. And those who perform it.
Sometimes its not the music as such if you've heard it most of your life...its when they do quizzes and you have to guess the year.
It might be Lulu singing "Shout"(1965) Abba with "Waterloo"(1973)Take your choice of any piece especially if its been the charts. Its 46 years since "Shout" was issued...36 years for "Waterloo". Where did those years disappear?
Then you think of the images that you see on many TV channels of these people singing their songs and they are trapped in a time warp.
You forget that if they were in their twenties or thirties then, they are now in their sixties or seventies. You don't really notice them getting old. And as they grow old so are we...
What brought it home to me more so today is that Julian Lennon(son of John Lennon of the Beatles)is bringing out a new album and is to be interviewed. He has probably been busy for years but I only remember one song he had a hit with called "Too Late For Goodbyes"
The listing for his radio interview mentioned it being issued in...1984. That's twenty seven years ago! I don't know how old he was then but suddenly you realise that if he was twenty years that now makes him forty seven!
It just doesn't seem right somehow.
It wasn't a bad guess(A quick search on the web)suggests that he is forty eight.
I meant to listen to the interview and..forgot.
I find that I don't notice the passing of time so much from events I have lived through and witnessed.
Generally, its more with music. And those who perform it.
Sometimes its not the music as such if you've heard it most of your life...its when they do quizzes and you have to guess the year.
It might be Lulu singing "Shout"(1965) Abba with "Waterloo"(1973)Take your choice of any piece especially if its been the charts. Its 46 years since "Shout" was issued...36 years for "Waterloo". Where did those years disappear?
Then you think of the images that you see on many TV channels of these people singing their songs and they are trapped in a time warp.
You forget that if they were in their twenties or thirties then, they are now in their sixties or seventies. You don't really notice them getting old. And as they grow old so are we...
What brought it home to me more so today is that Julian Lennon(son of John Lennon of the Beatles)is bringing out a new album and is to be interviewed. He has probably been busy for years but I only remember one song he had a hit with called "Too Late For Goodbyes"
The listing for his radio interview mentioned it being issued in...1984. That's twenty seven years ago! I don't know how old he was then but suddenly you realise that if he was twenty years that now makes him forty seven!
It just doesn't seem right somehow.
It wasn't a bad guess(A quick search on the web)suggests that he is forty eight.
I meant to listen to the interview and..forgot.
Hi Gildy, very true. I have been in the UK for a week and find myself listening to radio 2, some good tunes (I'm getting old!)
Radio 2 for all the criticism it sometimes gets still gives probably the biggest range of music when compared to other networks and I do make a point of listening to the documentaries and specialist music shows normally played in the evening.
I'm not saying that I don't listen to commercial radio but I am still a fan of BBC Radio...
But I sometimes have to look around the different stations to be entertained where once I could stay locked on one station all the time.
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