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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

If One Green Bottle Should Accidentially Fall...

I treated myself to some small Belgian beers/lagers today(not terrifically expensive and they are little fat glass bottles)but ideal for a quick drink or mixed with something else. Moved them somewhere safe(or that was the plan)and one bottle managed to slip out of its cardboard cover and though the distance to the floor was very slight had it fallen on carpet it would probably have survived...this one didn't falling on vinyl tiles.

Oh well, at least I have seven remaining(and I did not lose the lot or see an expensive bottle of booze all over the floor)but I'd have rather been drinking the one that smashed all over the floor than see the liquid spreading everywhere and trying to clear all the broken glass...

I'll see that doesn't happen again!

Maybe I don't have sophisticated taste buds but I can taste no difference between this brand and Stella Artois that I had a few weeks ago so I'll be buying it again.


Anonymous Northstar said...

Gildy, I'm unsure which Belgian beers you sampled, but Belgium produces some very fine (and expensive, at least over here!) beers that far outshine Stella Artois. There are some varieties of yeast, which does the fermenting, that live in only small geographic areas of Belgium and result in some outstanding beers. So, don't give up on the Belgian beers just yet.

25 July 2009 at 14:34  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

This one is manufactured for a certain supermarket but it reminds me of Stella and years a go another brand was available at another supermarket and it tasted the same as far as my memory goes.

Stell does have big advertising campaigns on British television and their ads look very expensive. And when you have a big holiday weekend many people seem to be carrying Stella as their preferred choice.

25 July 2009 at 15:34  
Blogger Span Ows said...

I remember drinking small galsses of Stella in French cafes in 1979. What a wondeful taste compared to the stuff I had had in England before that...that was many moons ago before 3 milliontrillionquinzillion cans had been sold, I am convinced it isn't the same heady brew that I enjoyed all those years ago, not now, they all taste the same and I always prefer a good ale (not available here)

8 August 2009 at 13:53  

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