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Sunday, November 19, 2006

Its For Charity...

What I am about to say may appear churlish and make me sound heartless, I hope not...I cannot say that I dislike charitable causes and of course I do give to many causes but there are only so many that you can give to.

And though they show for where the money is given on Children In Need and many are worthy causes I dislike the set up of this 7-8 hour marathon that the event has become. You could put all the turns into the space of a couple of hours at most. And little is actually shown of the causes, most is people filling in with idle chat whilst the next little piece is set up. It is padded out for too long. And I am sorry that I am unable to stay with it for hours and hours. I probably feel a little that way towards Comic Relief and Sports Aid too.

Again, those who appear are not unlike those who are said to be celebrities in the reality shows.
I did see a little, after all, what was being offered against this event? Very little. But it was summed up by an appearance of Jordan and husband Peter Andre, they performed a song and I'm too kind to comment further but after performing we were all told to "Get your hands in your pockets and give!"

But the follow up was that Jordan then having told us to give, let us know that their new CD is issued on November 27th and to buy it. How about the money that may be spent on that CD is given to a worthwhile cause instead?

Update - 2006 November 27th:I understand from something I read this evening that some or all of the money raised by this album is going to Children In Need according to someone writing on teletext which may make me a little less harsh towards both of them this time. Though when I saw an advertisement earlier I was thinking, why is this album more expensive than many being advertised and discounted, many are approx £8-£10 but this one is around the £12 area.

Back to the original entry...

Also, earlier in the week I heard them interviewed after they had attended an awards event where Michael Jackson received one and those attending felt that they had been possibly mis sold the fact that Jackson may sing and this would be his first live set in the UK for around 10 years and he only sung a couple of lines and had to be persuaded to do that.

Andre would not really complain but Jordan said that she was disappointed and continued to say that Jackson was out of tune but should've sung more and she broke out her own suggestion of "A Whole New World" perhaps it was just me, but it sounded out of tune.

Which brings us back to that clip that has been going around the net and some say is genuine and some say was a hoax of them singing that same song and her sounding terrible, all the musical accompaniment having been stripped away and the vocals not going through any software or engineering desk.

If I can I will dig out the link again. But hopefully its easy to find via a search engine...


Blogger Curmy said...

Gildy, Jordan is a shameless self publicist, and I'm afraid I can't sit through hours of Children in Need.
I've got my own charities I give to.
I think it's time the Beeb re-thought the format.

19 November 2006 at 09:37  
Blogger ja said...

Gildy, I agree with you and Curmy. As long as we give some charity, that's the main thing.

19 November 2006 at 17:33  
Blogger Paul said...

Giving to charity is like voting and sex - best done in private behind closed curtains.

19 November 2006 at 18:34  
Blogger Linda Mason said...

Gildy, just be grateful that you do not have school age children who get involved in school fund raising events in support of such charidee events. You look rather mean spiritied to your own children if you do not sponsor them!

Paul, how very modest! Sex is best done outdoors communing with nature!

19 November 2006 at 23:18  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mags - you hussy!

I hate Children in Need and never watch it. I give to charities of my choice (as I'm sure we all do) but this mega-fest of feel-good self indulgence just turns my stomach.

21 November 2006 at 00:46  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Yes, we tend to give to children that want sponsoring. Some celebrities do a lot of good for charities, I have to go no further than Bob Monkhouse and Lord Brian Rix who have done so without looking for praise.

Most of what is classed as entertainment in Children In Need rarely looks as though anyone has bothered it looks cobbled together.

A radio personality that Rupe and myself are able to hear via DAB in the UK suggested that as many of the artists are flogging or promoting DVD's and CD's that are on sale around the time of the event, its free publicity so how about some of the record companies or whatever(If they do, fantastic)putting in some large donations for all the extra sales and publicity they are getting in return?

When telethons were originally aired and the first ones were in the States, you did at least have "Real" celebs from the film and entertainment world, seriously best part of those who took part were presenters but celebs of note...not really.

21 November 2006 at 01:30  

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