The Latest On The Town Changes...
If Gildersleeve is reading(yes, I have a real namesake)as opposed to my alter ego, I have mentioned that I am happy that you are well. In relation to your mentioning of Lyme's Disease I do believe that it has a connection to being bitten by ticks. If treated early enough and correctly it can cause little or no symptoms/complications but that due to climate change it is seemingly becoming much more common in the UK and that was reported only today in a National daily newspaper.
Damien, I too have seen your quote regarding the song that was sung in the television ads for March the Tailor, that sounds about right ;-)
Mentioning shops is rather appropriate as I once again return to the subject of "My" town centre.
I am sure that behind the scenes there are a lot of negotiations taking place over the changes.
Still, the shops that were due for demolition as part of the next phase of the redevelopment has not taken place yet. The larger retailers have been frantic looking for new units to move into and again the older part of the town seems once again to be suffering because even my own bank appears to be moving into the new units that were built next to Tesco's. I could be wrong but I believe that there are only three units still available there.
So far the retail units are occupied by an optician, a solicitor and the job centre(who relocated for at least the third time) Argos and Tesco's were the new retailers. So if Lloyd's TSB Bank take one of the empty retail units and the final one being considered turns into either an amusement arcade or bookies, what will the final unit contain?
Now, with a lick of paint and a few repairs and careful management the older part of town which must be 50 years old could look quite good, with the right mixture of shops we could probably hold our own and survive but when you do not have a decent shoe shop or even a shoe repairer on the town(which is pretty basic stuff)its no wonder people shop in neighbouring towns and what ever the Government says about global warming and using cars less and public transport more, I cannot blame them if they have transport doing so.
And unfortunately more and more locally owned shops continue to close, though even retailers that have outlets around the UK are deciding to leave for many reasons that have to include a reduced margin of profit in relation to the running costs.
The older part of town is in better shape and more pleasant in its appearance than the newer part. I'll try and make that statement more clearer. Phase One was two lines of shops with a small road down the middle.
Phase Two the road was closed and became a pedestrian precinct and one side of the existing shops had a an upper floor added to give more choice.
In a previous entry you saw a picture of the following from behind, this time you see the front of the health centre that serves this town. Thankfully, when the demolition takes place these buildings will also come down and be rebuilt brand spankingly new as will the town library.

Then, as part of this phase a new block in very dark brick and concrete and in a strange design that looked more like a prison some more retail outlets were built. But again, shops in this block have never stayed long and for some years few if any have even wanted to fill up the empty units that were available. Some essential businesses had they stayed there could've probably helped this part of town survive and keep business flourishing for passing trade but as the local council moved its rent office to its own leisure centre foyer, that space became empty, then the post office went into partnership with a local newsagent so again there was an unused space and then the job centre moved out so it killed off part of the existing older part of town still further.
Phase Three is now where Tesco's(see a previous entry)and the other shops have relocated is now affecting even the part of town that has survived the longest.
I have heard of various attempts to get more visitors here in recent years and all have fallen through.
I found out recently in the running for the Durham County Cricket Club to build its ground here but it ended up in Chester Le Street.
Then there was talk of building a cinema or even an ice rink, again...these plans all have come to nothing...
And you do wonder how may stories are genuine or true.
On the other hand a neighbouring town is revamping the whole of its town centre and is spending millions on bringing in more shops and some that are more special than we've had before and also a big cinema amongst other things so again as that is only 6-7 miles away its a fair bet that people will go off town for their entertainment and shopping needs.
And then, when they finally knock down some of phase two here and replace it I have seen no plans to give me an idea whether the area stays open or new retail units are to be built and if built, I do hope that the design fits in the area and please no more of these dark, dismal buildings. Lets get some light into the area and use materials that will last and not again fall into disrepute as easily.
I want to be proud of the town and it has so much going for it, it is quite green and open and close to countryside and historic locations.

And to try and show that we are surrounded by quite a lot of green stuff, here's an aerial shot of my town...the clues are out there but I try to keep a little anonymity as many towns in the UK are small and not everyone is in a city the size of London or New York or somewhere...
Obviously I cannot take credit for the picture and nor am I attempting to breach anyone's copyright so more pictures of the North East are available via this site...
Late News: Since the above entry was written I have discovered that in the next few days that Tesco's is having a refit(nothing much in that)except that I have been told today that this also includes an upstairs department being added which will turn it into an "Extra" store and that though even I have to say will mean bargains in electrical goods...probably with an eye on Christmas sales...I can only see it doing further harm to the town centre that is already struggling and many residents are less than happy with the design that Tesco's were allowed to build in the first place which was supposed to fit into what is a focal point of the town and to not be such an eyesore for people living in houses that face onto this retail area as it does look very functional(not unlike a tin shed)much of it is made out of corrugated steel sheeting. If my source is incorrect I will happily correct the mis-information...
5th September 2006
that 'dark brick' it far from the actual centre...or not on a bus route, or no parking or something: it seems strange because it looks fairly new and modern but one picture has many windows broken it just in the wrong position to get the business?
i ask because civic palnning here is cronic...there's retail units all over the palce because every time they build flats the have retail/industrial units as well, obviously thinking they're being clever but it just ends up with dozens of shops where nobody goes.
If you can imagine walking through the town centre roughly in the order that the pictures are on the blog, you have an idea of how close they are to the original centre, you easily walk from one end to the other in about two minutes.
The last two pictures are a front view, the health centre faces onto the back of this dark building as seen with the most windows broken and boarded up.
They are also planning to introduce a one way system and I have discovered that this will mean diverting traffic up our road which is one of the most popular/sought after residential areas in the town so I suspect that will be received with a lot of enthusiasm...not!
Just a quickie from me Gildy (good evening and hope you are well btw) if you are missing responses to posts and do want to keep track of them, then dip into your settings and then email and then enter an email addy so that you are notified when someone posts. That way you'll never miss a trick!
Thanks Mags,
I've done that and added another trick through your help...
Still enjoying your thoughts over at your place ;-)
G x
Gildy, I don't know how you keep so cheerful, the town planners should be shot !
I know that you've seen the pictures before but I thought I'd make them available to a larger readership.
I tempered my views slightly as I do not want to say all that I think that I know.
The one way street idea is not required...but even if it is implimented, there is no reason to start taking the traffic from the shopping precinct into residential areas because as it stands the traffic does go around the shops and joins up with the main arterial roads that take you through the town.
If you can imagine a road coming in from one direction of the town, through the middle and leaving the town at the other end, it passes by the shopping precinct to bring you close to the shops.
If you want to get closer there is a smaller road that comes off that main road and is basically a ring road. Tesco's offers a large car park. The old supermarket that closed still offers a multi story car park offering three floors.
And there are other car parks available. Unless they are being closed under these plans. And local residents are so close to the shops, many can walk into the centre or catch a number of busses.
I read a kind of history of the town I discovered on the net last night and it said many of the secrets of the town are still hidden because of the 50 year rule. And that there has never been an adequate history written.
The same document says that we have been let down by many government departments locally and nationally and that most of the good things that happen here have been done by the residents themselves.
Should you be reading this...
I tried to post a comment on your blog and it would not accept it. I assume this is because you have now signed up to the new version of blogger.
It sounds great and some features are worth having but I noticed it did say that once you switch you cannot go back and some blogger functions may no longer work or affect who can for the minute I'll pass...
Hope this does not mean some of us will be unable to post on your site for the time being...
Hi gildy...testing!!!
Yes the reason i posted today was to warn you and others of precisely that!
However I don't think there is any danger of signing in as someone I think about it I'm not sure! I cannot believe there si a way or it would be a disaster; it was the same as before (blogger/Other/anonymous)
That's OK...I can post as othe rplus the webpage...did you notice that your 2nd post (where you didn't put webpage) it has just got your name in balck (it's blue with the link)
You don't have to write it everytime it should prompt you with what you've written before...unless you clear the ache every time etc
I've been to all on my R5 list and only Mags, Alcuin Shytalk and david have the 'only blogger' setting on. David had a good reason because he says he was spammed with some nasty posts (all anon)
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