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Saturday, August 19, 2006

A Gentleman...

Whilst I believe there is something in being able to read what someone is like and you can sense an atmosphere when you walk in a room or you get an instinctive feeling about someone whether negative or positive.

I really think that you have to be in the company of someone to really know them. In the case of those of us who have contacted each other through our blogs, messageboards, e-mails regularly I think we can say that this is a bit like being in the company of someone.

But for all the people in the media world that I criticise and see as shallow, I sometimes if asked have trouble trying to think of someone who impresses me, that I have respect for, that I like, that I think as far as I can believe that I would like to know or feel that I would be at ease with.

I could be wrong and sometimes when you meet someone in the public eye you can be disappointed but I get a good feeling and have a tremendous liking and respect for the actor Alan Alda.

No one is perfect, who would want to be? But I have heard him interviewed a number of times and he appears to have no airs and graces.

There is a look of gentleness and humour in his face, he has a twinkle in his eyes. Its rare for me to want to listen to interviews with celebs these days because they are so controlled by the Pr people and the celeb usually only wants to promote something and talk about their latest book, play, film or whatever but he will talk about anything.

And I really think when I get the chance I will read his book.

I cannot say that I have seen much of his work although growing up I did always make a point of watching the television series that probably made him most famous M*A*S*H*(interesting that in the States television insisted that a laughter track accompany it and that Larry Gelbert wanted it aired without but over here on BBC they took it without one but when it last played on satellite the laughter track was added again and it seemed so strange)

But he really comes across in the true sense of the word. He is a Gentleman and a Gentle Man.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dead right Gildy. Having seen him interviewed on TV and listened on radio, he is a real lovely man.
A good guy.

20 August 2006 at 12:43  
Blogger Span Ows said...

I saw an interview many moons ago, would it have been Parkinson? - he certainly seemed a gent.

20 August 2006 at 18:18  

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