Its Showtime!
My town held its annual show this weekend. Good luck to all those that attended and enjoyed it. I made an effort to visit it. It must be at least ten years since I last decided to attend.
Maybe, if I could've been bothered to go into the marquee areas and look inside I might've found something special perhaps some home made crafts and so on but honestly I am not sure how they managed to keep the crowds attending entertained. The few demonstrations that were taking place in the main area were so spaced out most of the time the place was unused. From what I did see the crowds were less than I remember them in past years and I cannot remember many even making an attempt to watch anything when it happened.
Those there seemed more interested in the many, many booths selling a variety of takeaway foods and drinks. And the area that was given over to lots of little fair ground rides for young children and one for the grown ups.
Somehow, I managed to stay for about three and a half hours but was ready to come home and I am afraid its unlikely that I will bother to attend any held in the future.
The most interesting demonstration but where it was held made it difficult to get a decent view was the fire and rescue department staging a mock rescue of a trapped motorist and watching them break the car windows and eventually using those big cutters to remove the top half of the car.

I was hoping to see a demonstration of the Birds of Prey but again, they were so far away from anyone watching and the final demonstration that I would've watched it was delayed so long I had given up. I understand that after the previous earlier demonstration one of the birds had disappeared and the trainer was still trying to get it back...hence the delay.
The roads near the event had been closed off and therefore people that needed to use a taxi(like me)for dropping off had to get out at the local railway station and attempt to climb a bridge over the railway line and same coming back. As taxi's are only dropping off or collecting , it does seem strange to make what is a form of public transport and mainly used by the disabled, senior citizen's difficult to use.
And as there is the town golf course in that area many people were using the same route to get to the course. And with all the heavy bags containing golf clubs etc...I can assure you that many children/teenager and adults were risking their lives and avoiding using the bridge and walking across the line.
The only good thing about this line is that as far as I am aware only one local service uses it, they are not the kind of trains that you'd see on a main route and in one direction the line is so straight and the speed that they travel you have a clear view and it takes ages for the train to reach the station but in the other direction, its a blind bend and as soon as it comes around the corner its straight into the platform and you would not stand a chance.
As for unforeseen accidents(we all have them)how strange is this...I managed a little bit of a snooze and woke in time(just)to hear Nick Abbot on LBC but have to come downstairs to set up the satellite system and recorder(for time shifting)and on the landing just before the stairs somehow my foot caught my walking cane and in less than a second...I was left holding only the handle, the cane fell apart and I hurt my middle toe on the right foot. In some ways its quite amusing me standing there with just the handle.
On further investigation somehow the elastic within the cane had snapped and though its repairable and I almost succeeded in in doing so the final part is impossible to get into to hook the elastic around so next week its out to buy a new cane. How lucky, I had an old one to fall back on(no pun intended)good job it did not happen when I was outside. And as for the two...I don't believe its broken, it might be strained but I suspect, its just badly bruised.
I cannot even say it was an accident waiting to happen or that I did something stupid to cause it...oh well...
Maybe, if I could've been bothered to go into the marquee areas and look inside I might've found something special perhaps some home made crafts and so on but honestly I am not sure how they managed to keep the crowds attending entertained. The few demonstrations that were taking place in the main area were so spaced out most of the time the place was unused. From what I did see the crowds were less than I remember them in past years and I cannot remember many even making an attempt to watch anything when it happened.
Those there seemed more interested in the many, many booths selling a variety of takeaway foods and drinks. And the area that was given over to lots of little fair ground rides for young children and one for the grown ups.
Somehow, I managed to stay for about three and a half hours but was ready to come home and I am afraid its unlikely that I will bother to attend any held in the future.
The most interesting demonstration but where it was held made it difficult to get a decent view was the fire and rescue department staging a mock rescue of a trapped motorist and watching them break the car windows and eventually using those big cutters to remove the top half of the car.

I was hoping to see a demonstration of the Birds of Prey but again, they were so far away from anyone watching and the final demonstration that I would've watched it was delayed so long I had given up. I understand that after the previous earlier demonstration one of the birds had disappeared and the trainer was still trying to get it back...hence the delay.
The roads near the event had been closed off and therefore people that needed to use a taxi(like me)for dropping off had to get out at the local railway station and attempt to climb a bridge over the railway line and same coming back. As taxi's are only dropping off or collecting , it does seem strange to make what is a form of public transport and mainly used by the disabled, senior citizen's difficult to use.
And as there is the town golf course in that area many people were using the same route to get to the course. And with all the heavy bags containing golf clubs etc...I can assure you that many children/teenager and adults were risking their lives and avoiding using the bridge and walking across the line.
The only good thing about this line is that as far as I am aware only one local service uses it, they are not the kind of trains that you'd see on a main route and in one direction the line is so straight and the speed that they travel you have a clear view and it takes ages for the train to reach the station but in the other direction, its a blind bend and as soon as it comes around the corner its straight into the platform and you would not stand a chance.
As for unforeseen accidents(we all have them)how strange is this...I managed a little bit of a snooze and woke in time(just)to hear Nick Abbot on LBC but have to come downstairs to set up the satellite system and recorder(for time shifting)and on the landing just before the stairs somehow my foot caught my walking cane and in less than a second...I was left holding only the handle, the cane fell apart and I hurt my middle toe on the right foot. In some ways its quite amusing me standing there with just the handle.
On further investigation somehow the elastic within the cane had snapped and though its repairable and I almost succeeded in in doing so the final part is impossible to get into to hook the elastic around so next week its out to buy a new cane. How lucky, I had an old one to fall back on(no pun intended)good job it did not happen when I was outside. And as for the two...I don't believe its broken, it might be strained but I suspect, its just badly bruised.
I cannot even say it was an accident waiting to happen or that I did something stupid to cause it...oh well...
Gildy, you sound like you're ahving arough time of it...I was going to castigate you for not going through the marquis and possibly not seeing something of more interest T THE LOCAL SHOW BUT IT SEEMS YOU DID JOLLY WELL JUST TO SEE WHAT YOU DID!! OOPS CAP LOCK!!! I see my mistake, instead of pressing the 'a' I presed the caps lock next to it...anyway...your cane...don't be so could have snapped when you were in some precarious position...balancing down the stairs or don't grateful!!!
P.S. the fire service demo looks quite good...
I really should've had a look through the stalls,perhaps an excuse to go again next year?
And thanks for your concern...we're kind of watching out for each other :-)
You know what, what you said about the walking stick went through my mind and if it had happened on the stairs...
I cannot decide if my foot has Superman strength to demolish the stick or that was the last action to break it. Maybe the elastic was already weakened somehow...but as I do not fold it I have never given it rough treatment knowingly.
I did repair it sort of and if I could've managed to do the final thing that is needed it would work again but the elastic is too slack to keep it ridgid...I'm still on about the walking stick by the knew that I was...right?
I am surprised to see this entry here as I thought it had failed(it said that there were errors when I posted it)and when I checked it was not published here.
It took some doing adding pictures as the blog only accepts 4 photos at a time when posting using that particular software and it seems to dislike me moving them around so I can write text to the left or right of the image as in the past.
I will succeed eventually...
You know, I'm not sure why I mentioned my have people seriously ill, fighting in war and losing limbs and so on but I suppose when we do something and it looks a bit gruesome we always go on about them...its Human nature.
I think it was more the surprise of the stick just falling apart by what seemed at the time by me just kicking it, it didn't even hurt much so I'm surprised that it looks as nasty.
I've had harder knocks and seen nothing to show for it.
Enough, the toe gets mentioned no more ;-)
Is it just me but sometimes when I double check that I have written in the word verication properly, it still comes back and say it was entered incorrectly.
Really good photoes Gildy, sounds as though you had rather a rough day, and I'm so sorry about your toe and your walking stick.
I'll e-mail you soon.
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