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Thursday, May 07, 2009

You Can Always Learn...

But it's not always what you want to know...

I have heard of steroids being given to build up muscle and to control various illnesses but I discovered today that the body manufactures steroids in the Liver anyhow.

I also discovered today that two of the drugs I am on are given to people who have had transplants...Azathioprine and Prednisolone and if you stop taking them or do not follow the directions of your consultant regarding the dosage(increase or reduction)according to a site that is reliable and will lose your transplanted kidney. I assume that these drugs stop the body rejecting it.

Also, that Creatinine is something to do with the muscles in your body and the breakdown of tissue and your kidneys are supposed to filter this out of your system but when they are not working correctly it gets back into the blood. I'm just putting this as simply as possible, there are more detailed explanations on the Internet.

I may not like what I will hear but I plan to see my own Dr in a week or so(by when I hope that he'll have information from the Consultant)I plan to have an extra blood tests taken and have a talk with him. Maybe a few times before I go to the Consultant again. If my next appointment is correct it doesn't happen until the beginning of July and that seems a long time away. I don't know that it can alter anything but if I am monitored between now and then should anything start to get worse(or better)we'll have idea ahead of time.

Mum happened to mention that my last visit had been a little worrying when she saw her Dr today(we have the same one)and he said that he would have a talk with me but he asked if my treatment/diet had been changed to which for now she could only say no. And to be honest Mum forgets or often gets things wrong regarding my condition but that used to happen all throughout the last decade so it's nothing new. I don't mean anything bad by saying that.

Sometimes there is a lot to take in and maybe sometimes it's better to shield loved one's from bad things if possible.


Blogger Span Ows said...

Best to hear it all straight Gildy. I hope it's OK.

Whether you tell your mum or not is your business but sometimes people can have a worse time dealing with the fact that you didn't tell them than if you'd told them beforehand (if they find out, obviously)

9 May 2009 at 21:00  

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