Remember That Survey...

It had questions about how much of a problem teenagers are regarding hanging around the streets in this area and how parents cope with their children etc etc...and I guess we are fortunate that if there is trouble I am not aware of it. Perhaps that comes of being indoors a lot and being cut off from the world.
So why is it that if the police helicopter comes over this town it nearly always concentrates its search directly above my home or the green over the road. I suppose I should feel safer but I look out and can never see what they have found or looking for.

Today, rather unusually, it appeared around 2pm in the afternoon and stayed around for about an hour, disappeared and then around 4pm though I couldn't see it, I could hear it.
Its not a bad digital camera that I own but though I have little to take photo's of, its good to have a decent camera to hand and I am of the opinion now that as I don't have a mobile phone with built in camera, it may be policy to always have a camera on my person for those unexpected events and moments.

But I think I'll invest in another as some cameras now exist that offer more shots before the batteries drain, a better zoom lens so I can get objects that are further away and a stabilizer so pictures are no longer fuzzy due to movement and whereas mine can record some video footage, you can now have sound.
Sometimes when I see my images using digital zoom they look clear on the lcd screen but on here are not as good.
Oh dear. We are on a similar wavelength today Gildy. I live opposite a park which has the two main roads going out of town running alongside it, north and south.
Several nights I've had a police helicopter just hanging there over the park for twenty minutes at 2 a.m. Last time it happened I got up, went over the park and having seen the thermal imaging cameras they use on TV, made exaggerated onanistic movements towards them in the hope they'd see me and get the message! They moved off and I've often hoped it might turn up on one of those Police Stop Action shows!
Like your style, I have had it come over on evenings and shine such a bright light and they hover for ages...Its obvious that they can see quite a wide area and suits them to sit over the town centre.
I don't know why but when I do hear any aircraft they do always seem to choose a route that takes it virtually over our house.
It must be the way the route is mapped officially which they follow.
Today every time they came over, there I was attempting to take photographs. If it wasn't a police helicopter I really can think of any reason for its behaviour.
Gildy, are you sure you havn't got a secret cannabis plantation in your garden ? lol
Augustus better watch out, if the police helicopter sees him prancing about, they'll call out the police dogs !
You know Curmy the other day - and this is not a joke - I bought a new gladius (roman sword if you prefer) and thought I would take a few pictures of it to use on the blog. (When I can find my blasted card reader that is...) Anyway, there was a time when taking a sword over the park, sticking it in the ground and taking photos would have put me into paroxisms of fear that the Old Bill would turn up but I just did it. The faces on those passing were a joy to behold.
It is patently illegal to wander into a public place with a sharpened two foot sword but the fact is I don't recall the last time I even saw a cop. I know I get up to some dodgy things but I'm not a bad chap at heart. What do the real badduns get up to when the Police are AWOL with such consistancy?
Yes, Augustus, I've seen your new sword . Not surprised you never see the police, they'd be too frightened to come near you !
That sword reminds me of the Crocodile Dundee film when some NY yobs tried to rob him.
That would scare them off !
A few years ago one of our neighbours sons got into trouble when he was a passenger in a stolen car. Every Saturday for nearly a year at between 11pm and midnight the helicopter would appear above our road with its light switched on - covering the area with it's thousand candle brightness.
When Richard (the lad in question) left home the helicopter went as well.
Interesting, Gildy. We regularly get ambulances (as far as I'm aware - there's no way of knowing which emergency services' vehice it is just from the siren, so I sometimes have a look) with full sirens on rushing through our road.
Out here in Suffolk, all you hear in the middle of the night is the sparrows coughing !
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