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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Its A Quiet Day

In fact its been quiet right across the board. Is it because its Monday?

Well, I updated a blog entry about the so called television quiz channels that are all over the UK media and another story broke in one of the tabloids(unknown to me)but it was amusing that in the middle of a game on a channel that has not been visited by the police and appears to be doing everything correctly within the rules laid down a caller asked if the game was genuine and the presenter without naming the channel being investigated and awaiting a possible court case(or perhaps not)had to say that it was another company and that the one she had phoned is all correct.

But it was a dodgy moment because they would not be expecting that question to come through and equally to make her disappear suddenly would not look good. The presenter tried to explain without commenting too much and probably had a producer giving instructions into the presenters earpiece.

If you were looking for a conspiracy theory you might wonder if the call was genuine and not made to make viewers wonder if this channels is to be trusted.

I do wonder if the bubble will burst and this kind of tv is here to stay or will disappear pretty sharpish. Its a fair bet that rules will change.

TV Quizes


Blogger Gavin Corder said...

Well I've been quiet on the boards and the blog but I have been blogging in my way...

I've made one for one of our cabal but she hasn't spotted my email yet, so ...

19 September 2006 at 18:56  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

I suppose even we have to take a break now and again. I must dig out the instructions again that mentioned about how to add things tmy template using html language again...

You've certainly become important to quite a few of us so don't be surprised if a few others in the future are not shouting "Gaaavinnnn" as Sarnia suggested.

19 September 2006 at 19:54  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gildy, I think it's quiet on the station mb because people are fed up with the 3 minute thingy, and the occassional troll.

19 September 2006 at 21:29  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It'll pick up as winter approaches. It has always been cyclical - I've been posting there for years now and it ebbs and flows.

The three minute rule is an absolute pain though - what do you do while the clock is ticking down? Make a cup of coffee? Go and feed the cat? Go and have a shower?

I preferred it before the horrible changes in June last year.

20 September 2006 at 22:50  

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