Remember the changes to the town centre?

This was to be the great saviour of the town. Bringing new business and jobs. The chosen site had been abandoned for approx twenty years and originally was where my school originally stood.
Unfortunately, many of the shops in the older part of the town have closed and though jobs were created by this supermarket opening, only a few of those who have lost their jobs since have found work at this retailer. Many residents feel that it dominates the area and unless you have transport or are able to travel out of town to shop it is now the only place that you are able to buy food. There is little or no provision for taxis and you have to phone for one as you come out of the store or try and guess how long you will be shopping and it will take to get through the checkout. The lay-by that exists is always full of customers using the cash machines at the front of the store.
If you turn approx 90° degrees you will see the new park which has a new youth centre on the right of the entrance.
As the old one had seen better days and was demolished to make way for the new supermarket I suppose a replacement had to be built and in reality the town park is my old school's playing field which is now available to the public.
If you turn approx 45° degrees to the right and walk for 20 seconds this is the view that will greet you. The building contains the town library, school dentist and health centre. The paint is peeling, the wooden frames are rotting and the place leaks. You can see that various windows are boarded up. This is also to be demolished whenever the next phase of the development takes place.
This is a back view but it looks no better from the front, it is also very dirty. Its been much like this for the past twenty years. If you require a solicitor, a bank or charity shop, the older part of the town centre is for you. Due to high rents and rates and the town mainly being owned by a London company many local retails moved or closed. Only national retailers are managing to remain but even they are having hard times and some have been leaving.
I can remember the town centre as a child being quite spacious and better cared for and that was when traffic was allowed through the middle and it was not a traffic free zone.
If you want to find out more about a town, you just need to ask a taxi driver. I talked to two today on my shopping trip and between them and the little that I know, the latest rumour would suggest that ASDA may be taking over the retail outlet originally occupied by Sommerfield that closed some months ago after many, many years of trading here but for various reasons to do with employment laws and the fact that it is another food store, they are not allowed to trade until November at the earliest. But equally as was pointed out by one taxi driver, we have been promised a few possible retailers for the site which for various reasons having shown an interest appear to have decided otherwise. Another suggestion from my source of information was that as it is another food outlet showing the most interest such a competitor may find it difficult to get their application accepted.
There is absolutely no proof that this is the case. All you can say is that time will tell. But there is no guarantee that you will find out who all the retailers that showed interest were. Other suggested retailers over previous months have included Wilkinsons(a kind of store that sells anything from toothpaste to gardening stuff)and some kind of outlet that offers high quality branded sports goods.
However, I did get a bit of answer about why certain local retailers have disappeared over the years and the diversity of what is offered has been reduced.
My town was originally run by a different authority, it was taken over many years ago by a larger council, who no longer wanted to be responsible for the running and care of the retail area and as said earlier a London company purchased it. I have heard over the years of the possibility of some consortium or council plan that could result in the centre being brought back into local ownership but if you are not privy to what happens behind the scenes it is hard to know what is fact or fiction. So sometimes its best to stay quiet.
Having another food store would offer competition and revitalise the older part of town. And although smaller, it is big enough to give enough choice for most people because in general most people stick to the same products and have the same amount of money to spend each week, some days you only require bread and milk. Also, the previous trader offered home delivery which the new supermarket does not(unless you use the internet)so hopefully if someone decent takes over they'll offer this service again.
This blog entry is not quite right. It was almost perfect and I managed to lose everything and had to write the text and post all the pictures again and its taken over ten hours to get this far. I have started from scratch on numerous occasions to find that the pictures though they say that they are uploading, when I press the button to complete the task nothing happens and they refuse to appear.
And my last attempted picture refuses to upload no matter what I do, so for any future attempts to include pictures, any solutions are gratefully received.
I have also lost the comments of my very good friend Span who probably was the only person to see this entry before it went wrong. Curmy has also managed to see one version of this entry but I am unsure which one.
A very tired Gildy signing off and a very relieved Internet provider, I'm only allowed 200 hours per calendar month and at this rate I'll use up the time that I am allowed in the first week...
Footnote:Just maybe the problems with my photo's not getting onto the site were due to problems on the site affecting uploading timing out or taking a very long time to respond which I discovered when looking over the blogger status page. So perhaps I was doing all the right things and it was something out of my control.
A very interesting blog, Gildy, I'm sorry you had such a frustrating time with it.
I think it's criminal that your town centre has been allowed to decline like that. It must make you very cross.
I'm slightly torn on the Tesco and general supermarket rise to success.
We ourselves are going to be delivered a new Tesco's in 2009. The development itself is called the Streatham hub and in developing the area they are ripping down the leisure centre, the skating rink and an old derelict church, it's a huge site, but as part of their permission to build they have to rebuild a brand spanking skating rink and a new leisure centre and swimming pool.
Frankly I can't wait, the pool at the leisure centre is disgusting. It's the dirtiest pool I've ever swum in and I have to head over to crystal palace to swim. This actually isn't too much of a big deal for me personally as I am a big swimmer and CP has one of only three 50m pools in London. However for the local kids it's a disgrace, I wouldn't want my 2 in there in a million years.
The skating rink too has seen far better days, but the sad thing is that it was the venue for some amazing bands, the Stones, The Small Faces, The Who to name but a few.
All in all, it will be an amazing thing for us, but in the community I live in we can easily absorb the impact of the supermarket. It'll probably kill the Sainsbury's that currently enjoys monopoly where we are, but that's no bad thing, it's a terrible store and I don't mind huge corporate, winning against huge corporate.
What i do have a problem with though is towns such as yours that are killed by out of town shopping. Where is the pleasure in out of town shopping, it's bland, faceless and ugly and kills local business. To a much larger extent the US has already seen it with Walmart and it would be a crying shame to see it over here.
What's even more interesting though is that I read an article by Daniel Finkelstein a couple of months ago. He lives in Kensington an area that is characterised by it's small boutiquey shops, delis and specialist shops. He was complaining however, about the Tesco Metro phenomenon. Tesco bought up a number of small CTN chains such as Cullens which provided a very wide and varied choice of quality foodstuffs through around 50-60 outlets in London. These have been replaced by Tesco Metro which has a relatively basic range of food and the store near him has killed the independent traders. Now - he's complaining that he can't get Fois Gras and his Sicilian stuffed olives, but to get stuffy about this is missing the point. The impact wherever the large corporates open is the death of diversity, independence and the homogenisation of experience. You only have to walk in to a major rail terminal to realise how this has happened, every terminal has a Starbucks and a Costa. You'd never know if you were in Birmingham, Bolton, Leeds or Kings Cross. It's a crying shame.
Where independence has survived, it tends to only be for the rich, I went to Barnes farmers market last week and bought half a kilo of organic cherries that cost me £5.50, frankly I was so taken aback that I paid it without thinking.
I'm also lucky enough to now work a 5 minute walk from Borough market which is renowned for it's very high quality foodsuffs and it's where I now buy my fruit for lunch. However, a colleague walked back in the other day - She's a South African who's been in the country for about 9 months - she plucked a very posh looking jar of honey.
'Do you know what pine honey is?' she asked
'I don't actually, maybe it's made from pollen collected mainly from pines' (I need to find out what it is actually)
I then joked 'That's a posh looking jar was it about 8 quid'
'No' came the flat response 'It was £4.50'
We all stared at her open mouthed.
'Why how much does honey cost?'
'Ooo about 80 or 90p'
'Oh well I don't know how much things cost' was the very defensive answer.
'Well I hope it tastes bloody good'
I live in a market town with a lot of independant shops, and Tesco's have bullied the local council into granting them planning permission.
The access road will go right through the middle of the allotments.
People are divided on this issue.
We agree the Co-op could do with some competition, but we're worried all the independant traders will go out of business, and then Tesco's will hike their prices.
I grew up in a London suburb which had much history and character and this was acknowledged by it being granted 'conservation area' status. Now this is both a blessing and a hindrance for home owners as they are restricted on how they can develop their homes.
It is somewhat of a shock, therefore to see the the absolutely hideous new shopping mall just built there, completely out of sympathy with the character of the area and adjacent buildings.
I can only assume the council were somehow bullied or bribed.
Having just been through a planning dispute involving a conservation area Lucy, there is very little value to the title any more, from what I can see. Prescott has no understanding of maintaining local environment, he'd rather just concrete the world.
You've only got to look at Prescott to see he's the sort of person who would concrete over the world.
Our local council caved in, because Tesco's kept re appealing, and they couldn't afford the legal costs.
I said in my piece that many residents feel it dominates the town, so that sounds a bit like Lucy and Curmy's experience. I have heard it said that originally the design was different to how it ended up.
Anecdotal maybe but ask any taxi driver and they'll tell you that originally there was provision in the plans for a taxi rank similar to older parts of the town as located at the previous supermarket that closed but once the new one was built, there was no rank or area for taxi's.
One telephone was installed for calling one taxi firm but to depend on that one firm you'd be waiting forever.
No taxi firm in town is big enough to manage being exclusive to this one supermarket.
But its like we told when visiting a hospital in Bishop Auckland, the official taxi firm that has a phone or will be promoted by staff if you ask for one has to travel in from Darlington so that's 14 miles away.
I have found plenty of taxi's in the same town as the hospital who are reliable and well priced so it seems crazy to keep promoting a firm from so far away.
Gildy, where's my post? I answered here and was the first comment...???
P.S. i thought I was going mad but I distinctly remeber posting and making a comment about all towns having a peeling paint building for the library/ whatever...have you edited or something?
P.S. If i sound miffed it's because I am! :-(
I also congratulated you on the image uploading and the homer I going bonkers?
Span, I think Gildy told me he temporarily lost it while messing about with his blog !
I hate bloody Tesco's.
They have opened up in sweet little street close to Highgate Village, and another IN Highgate Village.
They have put little independent shops out of business, made a nighmare for residents which their huge lorries, and their noise of constant clattering when delivering.
The Bu--ers have also opened in Hampstead, also putting newsagents
and other small shops who have been serving the community for years at risk and now closing.
I absolutely hate these people who are ruining peoples lives and stopping them earning their living.
I hsve as many rows with my local
Tesco as often as possible, the manager is a rude swine, and his bloody lorries have taken most of the limited parking spaces, making them a loading bay.
I've used up my time again(I think)Span...You were the first and saw my original text and pictures but I pressed something and lost a picture and no matter how I tried the blog would not accept it again even though it kept telling me that the images had uploaded again.
So I started from scratch and even after all that the image of the squirrel would not after maybe ten attempts appear so I gave up.
I saved your comments but even they disappeared from the computer but will not be appropriate until I get that image on the blog somewhere, assuming it will upload but for now I do not understand why they failed having being successful originally.
Sorry Span...
You're on good form Sally, I bet the manager hides when he sees you coming !
Curmy, everybody who lives locally dislikes this man.
Believe it or not they also don't use Tesco, and always trying to use
the struggling little shops.
Gildy you are very clever to put up photo's etc. Well done. xx
Thanks Sally,
I don't know what it is about this particular supermarket chain. You can argue that they are doing something right because they have the customer base and that shareholders and others that benefit and yet some "Big" companies are liked more.
I don't seem to come across the same margin of ill feeling towards some of other retailers in the business. There will be some I am sure.
Or perhaps I have missed something.
Those who can use transport often travel 7 -12 miles to other supermarkets in neighbouring towns and can access Morrisons, Sainsbury's, ASDA.
Sommerfield who closed did offer local delivery for free if you spent £25(which isn't hard these days)but the trouble is unless things have changed recently ASDA will deliver to the neighbouring town but even though many from my town shop in their store, they will not travel the extra 3 miles and take us into their delivery area which really means that are missing one of the biggest catchment areas.
And the last time I looked they also did not offer an online ordering service.
As for putting photo's on the blog has to be easier though...
btw I am adding to the problem, I admit it by buying online but in my case mobility being a problem, I have my reasons but if there was local choice and living only streets from the town centre I would and do use the local the cost of a taxi is about the same as a delivery via the net and...
Some things you like to actually see...and feel rather than trusting a picture on a website.
And there is the interaction with people and getting out of the house ocassionally...
Thanks for the expalantion Gildy, now I remember the squirrel! I commented how it didn't seem to mind you being so close (to take the picture!).
Re food, ironically i've just answered you on my blog saying food is one of the things I DON'T buy online but other things yes.
Gildy, I love this blog of yours.
It's never closed. I don't have posts removed.
When I can't sleep I can come here and let off steam. Best of all there's no Wendybloody Mann and that creepess Charlotte Light and Dark isn't around either.
BTW the Tesco's I mentioned are the small branches which are
spreading like wildfire.
Goodnight darling Gildy,
Sally x x x x x
Its awful to think that you have to come on here looking for me but then again, it does mean that I can reach everyone if I get behind with e-mails or have limited internet time and I apologise if when you pop in there is nothing new written but sometimes, I leave things for a day or two to allow comments or try to think of something new to say and hopefully not repeat.
Sorry if sometimes there is nothing new when you pop in but its handy when I can add links to other blogs of people you have read and seen over on the Five boards.
In general one thing I think that we can all agree is that we respect each other's opinion and would not fall out or have someone stirring things up un-necessarily.
Speak Soon Rupe,
G xx
Span, I'll pop back over and read what you said...yes, you mentioned about the squirrel being "After my nuts!" ;-)
You don't mind if I just shake your hand in a manly way do you Span... :-)
Charlotte is a poisonous cow (Excuse me Gildy) I hope she and Wendy never discover these blogs.
I'll remove their comments ;-)
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