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Thursday, July 20, 2006

A refuge from the hot weather...

I sat at the computer and something flew past me. It turned out to be...either a Peacock or Red Admiral Butterfly. So it had come in through the open door and flown up the stairs and into my bedroom. It fluttered a bit at the light coming through the window...tried to land on the window frame but I guess the design and plastic made that difficult. I attempted to gently herd it out of the open window but it decided to land on one of the walls near the ceiling, closed its wings and remained there for almost 17 hours. I assume exhausted due to the recent hot weather and here it found a cool and shady spot.

And then just as quickly it burst into life this morning at around 9.40am, flew to the window and I gently managed to direct it to the open window where it flew away, no worse for its stay. Its cooler and has been raining so I guess it will survive more comfortably today and have access to some moisture.

So not only am I a carer of the birds and squirrels that visit and partake of the food and water available but I am now on the map for winged visitors.

I have not seen many butterflies this year or perhaps I have not been looking enough.
Something similar happened last year but it just came into the room and went straight outside.


Perhaps one of these days I'll get to visit one of those butterfly farms where you are surrounded by them or ideally see one of those locations they show on some of those nature programmes in some wood or forrest glade, I think it will have to be the first suggestion.

I'd say the simplicity of nature but its all clever and anything but simple.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a lovely story Gildy, perhaps he'll pass the word around and they'll all drop by your place for a rest !

20 July 2006 at 10:41  
Blogger Paul said...

There has been a shortage of butterflies this year in our garden. Not so with bumble bees, an abundance all feeding on the French lavender from dawn until dusk.

I haven't been to a butterfly farm for a few years but they are wonderful for taking children to.

20 July 2006 at 21:03  

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