We'll try again as the original post disappeared somewhere into the ether.
Maybe 4-5 days ago I discovered that there were ants indoors. As it happens, whether right or wrong I happened to have some Ant Powder so I sprinkled some that down where I suspected they were coming from but I now doubt that was correct. As its at ground level I cannot see it being much of a health problem.
Over the few nights after discovering this I have been there watching for them. I've seen 'em and killed plenty and in the end they really are few and far between but where are they coming from?
There are so few maybe the problem no longer exists but walking around the supermarket of all places yesterday I discovered something called Ant Stop - Bait Station. Its best described as what looks like a small plastic paperweight with tabs that you break off which exposes little holes in it.
The ants are attracted and eat whats inside and take back the contents back to their nest what is in the container and in turn that kills the rest of them. It is said to work within 3-6 days and the actual product can last up to 3 months.
And its safe.
Having got rid of so many only a few are visiting so either way I should be happy. They are fascinating creatures but not when indoors. It reminds me of those cartoons of Tom And Jerry where you see the Ants arrive when there is a picnic and they march off with all the food.
I have a friend that lives in California who feeds Hummingbirds that she is fortunate to have visiting the garden and there are special feeders you put out that contain some kind of sweet liquid that attracts the birds and yes, you've guessed it, unless you keep watching...ants too. The trouble is that the ants get caught up in the solution and cannot escape and when this happens the birds are no longer interested as its contaminated and so you have all the trouble of taking the feeding stations down, cleaning them, refilling them and putting them out again.
One of the best radio plays if you get the chance to hear it is Lennigan Vs The Ants from the 1950's Escape series in America starring William Conrad(Tv's Cannon The Private Eye)but many people will not realise he like many of the actors, producers and writers of the best television programmes from the late 40's through to the 80's brought their skills from radio and that's why it was so original and innovative. He also played Sheriff Matt Dillon for around ten years in the original radio version of Gunsmoke though again many will probably believe it was James Arness who played the part in the television series.
Many of these shows can be found around the net if you can access broadband by streaming or downloading.
American Radio was something special for around 40 years before it became mainly sports, phone-in/Talk and spinning records. Any country that manages to keep speech radio and in particular drama, documentaries, comedy and the like has something special and it deserves to be cherished and treasured.
But I digress...
Maybe 4-5 days ago I discovered that there were ants indoors. As it happens, whether right or wrong I happened to have some Ant Powder so I sprinkled some that down where I suspected they were coming from but I now doubt that was correct. As its at ground level I cannot see it being much of a health problem.
Over the few nights after discovering this I have been there watching for them. I've seen 'em and killed plenty and in the end they really are few and far between but where are they coming from?
There are so few maybe the problem no longer exists but walking around the supermarket of all places yesterday I discovered something called Ant Stop - Bait Station. Its best described as what looks like a small plastic paperweight with tabs that you break off which exposes little holes in it.
The ants are attracted and eat whats inside and take back the contents back to their nest what is in the container and in turn that kills the rest of them. It is said to work within 3-6 days and the actual product can last up to 3 months.
And its safe.
Having got rid of so many only a few are visiting so either way I should be happy. They are fascinating creatures but not when indoors. It reminds me of those cartoons of Tom And Jerry where you see the Ants arrive when there is a picnic and they march off with all the food.
I have a friend that lives in California who feeds Hummingbirds that she is fortunate to have visiting the garden and there are special feeders you put out that contain some kind of sweet liquid that attracts the birds and yes, you've guessed it, unless you keep watching...ants too. The trouble is that the ants get caught up in the solution and cannot escape and when this happens the birds are no longer interested as its contaminated and so you have all the trouble of taking the feeding stations down, cleaning them, refilling them and putting them out again.
One of the best radio plays if you get the chance to hear it is Lennigan Vs The Ants from the 1950's Escape series in America starring William Conrad(Tv's Cannon The Private Eye)but many people will not realise he like many of the actors, producers and writers of the best television programmes from the late 40's through to the 80's brought their skills from radio and that's why it was so original and innovative. He also played Sheriff Matt Dillon for around ten years in the original radio version of Gunsmoke though again many will probably believe it was James Arness who played the part in the television series.
Many of these shows can be found around the net if you can access broadband by streaming or downloading.
American Radio was something special for around 40 years before it became mainly sports, phone-in/Talk and spinning records. Any country that manages to keep speech radio and in particular drama, documentaries, comedy and the like has something special and it deserves to be cherished and treasured.
But I digress...
Ants to Gunsmoke...yes, you digress!
I must say I don't kill ants, or spiders...or even wasps etc...I do draw the line at flies however as I always imagine them having eaten shit just before arriving on the scene.
Ive actually had ant tea in the Australian outback - refreshing it was too, unfortunately this did involve crushing them ants and their acid gave a citric type tea....other ants that have fallen by the wayside (giving the lie to my first comment) are the buggers that pack a hell of a punch when they bite/sting you; I'm note sure whether these would be the infamous fire ants but are probably some relation - there are thousands of different types!
P.S. thanks for your comments on my 'only child' post - I urge anyone reading this to have a look.
I may well take up some of what we wrote about on this blog too if I can think how.
Curmy thought it was all very interesting over on your blog.
I've just worked how she can put comments on to this place after months of her being unable to.
Yes, those infamous Fire ants...and of course the soldier ants. Not forgetting those that I think the Aborigines use in Australia where they have a taste like honey. And they bite the ant in half.
I don't know if living in a hot country and one where its probably bare floors and lots of open space, insects are much of a problem but where there carpets etc...I tend to leave most things in the garden and allow nature to decide what survives.
Its years since I put slug pellets down and as I have few slugs these days I assume the birds that visit and looking after the garden is the natural way. And by not putting pellets down the birds or any pets that come into the garden are safe.
Its the same with greenfly, if you can attract ladybirds or plant certain combinations of flowers they will be discouraged from taking over.
You have fascinating tales to tell and this is why a blog is important.
The difference wit a blog is that the reader decides who they want to read or leave a comment and its free.
I say this because as I was musing in bed(they can't touch you for it)I was thinking how some of us(me included)have moaned about certain so called celebs writing their autobiographies and then in a way...a blog could be autobiographical?
I suppose the difference is that it is immediate, interactive and can turn into a place to air views about many subjects other than ourselves.
I can only partially argue this away by saying that it very much depends on who that celeb is and if the term is fair.
We get Ants in the house sometimes, they either come in near the hinge of the patio window, or up through a little hole where the radiator pipe goes through the floor, or through a hole on the brick work by the back door, they're the very devil to get rid of, I've tried everything, but I have to be careful because of the cats.
Apparently, they can build nests in the house foundations.
Hope this works Gildy !
I think and hope that this problem has been beaten. I have not seen any for a day or two now and one may have been the Queen, it did seem quite large compared to the rest, and it was taking an interest in the pest killer. If all things could be solved as quickly and safely.
Obviously a more common problem than I at first thought.
I once saw a line of ants marching across the kitchen surface and up the side of the Ribena bottle !
Hi.What's happenned to your blog? I played around with my template once, messed it up, and had to do the whole bloody thing again.
Hello FF,
Well I seem to have fixed the template in that it looks as it did before.
I could find no help to the problem officially but saw that someone on a help group had messed their blog up so the suggestion the template again, I did and all errors were crorrected but now I have some help from Span on how to add links.
So then I can link back to you and other blogs. I have found where I believe I have to place the language to create the links but understanding how to add them is still taking a little thought.
How does anyone understand HMTL language? Its all a mystery :-)
So, who won in the end? Gildersleeve or the ants? Any sound effects? I went through your posts, hoping to learn how you happened upon Gildy as a persona. Cheers, Harry
Hello Harry,
Good to have you along(I'm glad to have read your blog and been able to link you to mine)
I love old American radio and its a pity its so unavailable over here and I can only guess what has been lost over the years.
The internet has been a great help bring both enthusiasts and people new to this entertainment as few if any broadcaster or outlet is available to access it.
And I am afraid that as fianacial restraints squeeze BBC radio drama, comedy and the like may one day go the same way. It has in other countries that bothered to try and still do some speech programming.
I have heard some of The Great Gildersleeve and know of the character's importance and popularity in broadcasting.
I'd love to go into such detail as you have on these old radio shows and one day perhaps I will...but as you do it so well anyway...not sure that I can add anything, I am happy that you did not mind me linking your blog.
I meant to ask and(hope to leave comments)but at least you have a reader. ;-)
I did not like having to take action against the ants but so far we appear to have won...they can do as they wish outside but inside...
All the best
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