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Saturday, November 06, 2010


This story is so silly you might have difficulty believing it!

The Irish Government has been going through similar problems as the rest of the world and after a period where it was doing very well economically compared to many countries it has found itself in serious debt and trying to turn around a very bad situation. Like many countries the poor have been hit the hardest.

Now, it appears they are about to announce even more cuts running into millions perhaps billions in a budget next month.

Its been reported on the radio news today(and I have heard it a few times so it must be true...)

The Irish Government is buying 53 tons of cheese and they are going to set up collection points around the country and distribute to the population for free.

Yes, they are giving away free cheese. Of course anything free will be snapped up especially by the elederly, vulnerable and sick but how this helps anyone I am at a loss.

As yet I have not heard if it is available to everybody or just certain sections of the population and how far 53 tons will go and how much each person/family will be given. Ireland has population of approx 6.2 Million.

It has to be one of the strangest stories I have come across in a long time.

Update:It does appear the cheese is going to given to who is deemed as needy and the idea has received an angry reaction from many. I cannot say that I am surprised.

Let Them Eat Cheese

For different reasons in the distant recesses of my mind I remember many years ago the population of the UK being given free cheese and butter and it was connected to over production of certain foods within what was then called the Common Market(now the European Market)

I think it only happened once in the UK but I think other European countries did it quite a few times. I thought we had some but as a friend of mine suggested it might've been pensioners who were given the Butter and Cheese(perhaps we collected it on behalf of my Grandma)and had to show her pension book to get it!

In the end some countries just dumped their butter doubt that has been done with other foods that are surplus to needs, that just seems so wrong!


Blogger Span Ows said...

One angry Dubliner last night. "This is just crackers. The scheme is full of holes. This is the last straw - it's really grated on the whole community."

That's from the link btw...although it is 'my' sort of comment! hehehe

Works on two levels, keeps the dairy industry going (a very big part of Ireland's income) and feeds the people...

7 November 2010 at 08:49  
Blogger Paul said...

Re giving away cheese. I can remember cheese, butter and bacon being given away. My Grandad was just about to retire from his job as manager of a bacon factory that packed and sold the other two items I mentioned which is why the story rings a bell.

7 November 2010 at 21:38  

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