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Saturday, December 30, 2006

I'm Going To Be Rich...

Yes, I have received a big yellow envelope informing me to expect another item of mail in a few days time offering me the chance to take part in...The Reader's Digest Draw. Someone, somewhere must've won and they probably have to prove to some regulatory body that they are following rules but my hopes are not high.

Why write and tell me that the forms are coming? Why not just send them immediately? Many years ago I seem to remember that the forms arrived and they asked me to order a book at the same time.

When the next letter arrives, it will be going in one direction...can you guess where? Having been shredded first for security reasons...of course.


Blogger Curmy said...

Augustus, those Readers Digests draws really are a pain.
I've joined the organisation which stops Junk mail, and things have got better.

30 December 2006 at 20:16  
Blogger Curmy said...

Sorry, Gildy, I've had a blonde moment (laugh)

30 December 2006 at 20:19  
Blogger The Great Gildersleeve said...

Its ok Curmy,
I could tidy up your comments but I think I'll leave them as they are :-)
I think that we all do well remembering all the names and sites that we visit.

Someone still reads Reader's Digest but its been years since I saw any myself.

We do get junk mail but its a remarkably small amount considering...

30 December 2006 at 21:06  
Blogger Jeff Kallman said...

Gildy---Don't take the draw unless they mean drawing a pint on the house. ;)

Happy New Year just in case I don't catch you later . . .---Jeff

31 December 2006 at 08:45  
Blogger raisins said...

Gildy, my MIL in the early stages of her dementia, believed all the guff that Readers Digest sent her and before long she was inundated with books, cassettes, videos and even CD's (even though she doesn't own a CD player).

One day she rang us in a great deal of distress saying that she had had threatening letters from this ghastly organisation saying that she was to be taken to court for non payment of the invoices.

We were absolutely horrified not only to discover the amount of rubbish that she had been sent but also the increasingly aggressive demands for payment. My OH hit the roof and threatened RD with legal action if they did not desist.

My advice to anyone unfortunate enough to receive their junk is to remove anything that will identify you, stuff it in an envelope and send it back to them - without a stamp.

31 December 2006 at 14:51  

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